
troika [ˈtrɔɪkə]  [ˈtrɔɪkə] 


troika 基本解释


troika 网络解释


1. 三头马车:troglodytism 穴居 | troika 三头马车 | Trojan horse 特洛伊马

troika 词典解释

1. 三人领导小组;三头政治;三国集团
    Journalists sometimes refer to a group of three powerful politicians or states as a troika .

    e.g. ...leader of the troika of past, present and future presidents...
    e.g. The press regard her as merely one of a ruling troika.

troika 单语例句

1. China will hold its maiden dialogue with foreign ministers of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States Troika in September.

2. troika什么意思

2. Valery Nesterov from Troika Dialog brokerage said he saw little reason why Medvedev should have different relations with Kiev.

3. troika在线翻译

3. The troika of economic growth - retail sale of consumer goods, foreign trade and fixed assets investment - are gaining steam.

4. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao told the troika of EU foreign ministers on Wednesday that China understands the concerns of the EU on the textile issue.

5. Iran's talks with the European troika broke off in August when Iran resumed some enrichment activities.

6. Outram's team developed a troika of evidence for horses being domesticated by the Botai.

7. Tehran had suspended uranium conversion work under a November 2004 deal with the European troika.

8. The protesters denounced what they described as blackmail by the " troika " of the EU, the IMF and the European Central Bank.

9. Investments, consumption and exports are the troika pulling along any economy.

10. The session on December 19 will debate the report by the troika.

troika 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. a Russian carriage pulled by three horses abreast

2. a modern Russian triumvirate

3. the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one

    Synonym: three 3 III trio threesome tierce leash triad trine trinity ternary ternion triplet tercet terzetto trey deuce-ace
