
trinity [ˈtrɪnəti]  ['trɪnətɪ] 


trinity 基本解释


名词<正>三人小组; 三件一套; 三合一

trinity 网络解释

1. 三一学院:此外,牛津剑桥两校也建立了许多新学院,如牛津大学的基督教圣体学院(Corpus Christi)和基督教堂学院(Christ Church),剑桥大学的马德林学院(Magdalen)、三一学院(Trinity)、西特尼?

2. 圣三一学院:这是<<曾经>>里面描写的都柏林的一次美好的相遇,爱尔兰男孩和捷克女孩,吉他男青年和卖花姑娘,我实在是很喜欢这部电影--他们相遇的那条街道就是都柏林著名的寡妇街,小商品市场繁荣,和著名的据说有四百年历史圣三一学院(Trinity)毗邻.

3. 翠妮缇:贝斯斯隆酒店(原是隆汝睦酒店)位于翠妮缇(Trinity)综合体内,客人可享用它的多种设施,如游泳池、健身房和斯吧(spa). 酒店自己设有一个商务中心. 酒店带空调客房配备现代化的设施. 从贝斯斯隆酒店(原是隆汝睦酒店)漫步可至使馆区、主要的购物中心和夜生活区.

trinity 词典解释

1. (基督教圣父、圣子、圣灵的)三位一体
    In the Christian religion, the Trinity or the Holy Trinity is the union of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in one God.

trinity 单语例句

1. Trinity Ltd will add 50 stores in China in the second half as the luxury menswear retailer taps rising consumer spending.

2. Garlic, ginger and leeks serve as the holy trinity of Chinese seasoning.

3. Trinity Structural Towers has roughly 90 people working at the old Maytag site, a number that is expected to grow to about 140.

4. In contrast to 2007, they gave nothing to the Trinity United Church of Christ.

5. Obama resigned from Trinity during the presidential campaign after inflammatory comments by Wright from the pulpit became a campaign issue.

6. Jeremiah Wright, who was Obama's pastor for 20 years at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.

7. Domestic and international regulators must abandon the tired trinity and focus now on the systemic risks generated by today's financial markets.

8. Trinity Crash puts its platinum loop above the other two, giving the jewelry a more casual look.

9. William Fung in April 2008 said the group may publicly sell shares in Trinity as well as in Toys " R " Us Asia within four years.

10. trinity

10. Silvery metal spheres, the central components of the Trinity experimental package.

trinity 英英释义


1. trinity的翻译

1. three people considered as a unit

    Synonym: trio threesome triad

2. the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one

    Synonym: three 3 III trio threesome tierce leash troika triad trine ternary ternion triplet tercet terzetto trey deuce-ace
