3 网络解释

1. deposition 1:progeny 子孙,后代,成果 | deposition 1,证言 testimony 2,免职, 3,沉淀 | junk 垃圾,舢板

2. breed v.1:breathe v.呼吸 | breed v.1.繁殖,培育;2.饲养;3,养育,教育 | *breeze n.微风

3. deed n.1:+deduct vt.扣除,减除 | *deed n.1.行为;2.事迹;3,契约,证书 | deep adj.1.深的,深长的;2.深奥的;3.强烈的

4. domain 1:distributed Bragg reflector 分布布拉格反射器 | domain 1,畴;2,[定义]域;3,区域 | donor level 施主能级

5. 3:third baseman; 三垒手

3 单语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. The bidding was exciting and 28 technologies were sold, with the total business volume reaching 3 million Yuan.

2. Robotic submarines finished removing a busted piece of pipe that was bolted around the leak around 3 am Sunday.

3. The Park is so large that it takes at least 3 hours to travel through it by car.

4. By comparison there are nine cores on the sophisticated chips that power the Sony PlayStation 3 games console.

5. A visit led by the province's Party Secretary produced a contract of $ 3 trillion.

6. By the end of the century, temperatures are predicted to increase by 3 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit statewide.

7. He has been trying to make a submarine by himself since 2008 and has spent a total of 3 million yuan.

8. There were a good few seconds when I struggled to breathe, floating neck deep in 3 C water.

9. Gross domestic product expanded by the least in two years in the second quarter, economists surveyed ahead of a September 3 report forecast.

10. Singapore's gross domestic product is forecast by the government to grow between 3 percent and 5 percent this year.

3 英英释义


1. the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one

    Synonym: three III trio threesome tierce leash troika triad trine trinity ternary ternion triplet tercet terzetto trey deuce-ace


1. being one more than two

    Synonym: three iii
