1. 崔:走经典淑女路线的夏绿蒂,堪称Tiffany的绝佳代言人,影集中,夏绿蒂的第一任丈夫崔(Trey)也是在纽约第五大道上,要她进去Tiffany店里「挑个喜欢的钻戒」,委婉求婚,让夏绿蒂兴奋落泪,还说将来告诉孩子「爸爸是在Tiffany店前跟妈妈求婚的」,
2. 三点的牌:trews 紧身呢绒裤 | trey 三点的牌 | triable 可试的
3. 崔伊:I fucked up.|我闯祸了啦! | Trey.|崔伊! | The fact is, we're still alive.|反正我们都还活着
4. 英语 三:21.Trevor 盖尔语 进深的 | 22.Trey 英语 三 | 23.Truman 盎格鲁撒克逊语 忠实的人
1. The Americans will still field a powerful decathlon team in Daegu led by world champion Trey Hardee and 2011 world leader Ashton Eaton.
2. trey
2. South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker recently dedicated an entire episode of their hugely popular comedy cartoon to Woods'infidelity problems.
3. Trey Lee is one of the most compelling young artists of our time.
4. trey在线翻译
4. Trey has been working with Mariah Carey ever since, sharing vocal duties as well as having written songs with her.
5. But his trey missed, and the other small forward finally showed up.
6. trey什么意思
6. Presidential spokesman Trey Bohn referred questions to the Justice Department, saying White House officials had not seen the documents.
7. trey的翻译
7. The US also have the Olympic gold medallist Bryan Clay and world champion Trey Hardee in their ranks.
8. Benedict Wong as navigation officer Trey is at the center of the mission's major miscalculation and must pay the price.