
root [ru:t]  [rut, rʊt] 







root 基本解释


名词根,根源; 原因,本质; 祖先; [乐]和弦基音

及物动词使生根; 使固定; 根源在于; 欢呼,喝彩

不及物动词生根; 根除

root 同义词


名词source cause derivation origin

root 反义词


名词branch trunk

root 相关词组


1. root and branch : 彻底地;

2. strike at the root of : 摧毁;

root 相关例句



1. Do you think it is possible to root out crime?


1. Are you going to root here forever?

2. Some plants root easily.

3. The crime rooted in his greed for money.


1. These plants have very deep roots.

root 网络解释

1. 树根:则称为有向路径(directed path)无向图中,若任意两点间至少存在一条路径,则称为连通图(connected graph),否则为非连通图( discon-nected graph非连通图中的每个连通子图称为成分 (component)树图:倒置的树,根(root)在上,树叶(lea

2. 根本:注:这张牌的图是传奇树妖,所以延展(branch out)、根本(root)、和气焰高张(open flame)都可以直接按字面解释. 注:请参照拉高耶夫(Lhurgoyf)的背景叙述.

3. root:resources of talents; 人才资源

root 词典解释

1. 根;根茎
    The roots of a plant are the parts of it that grow under the ground.

    e.g. ...the twisted roots of an apple tree.

2. (使)生根成长
    If you root a plant or cutting or if it roots, roots form on the bottom of its stem and it starts to grow.

    e.g. Most plants will root in about six to eight weeks...
    e.g. Root the cuttings in a heated propagator.

3. (蔬菜、作物等)块根的,根茎可食用的
    Root vegetables or root crops are grown for their roots which are large and can be eaten.

    e.g. ...root crops such as carrots and potatoes.

4. (头发或牙齿的)根,根部
    The root of a hair or tooth is the part of it that is underneath the skin.

    e.g. ...decay around the roots of teeth.
    e.g. ...wax strips which remove hairs cleanly from the root.

5. 根脉;祖籍;血统;根基
    You can refer to the place or culture that a person or their family comes from as their roots .

    e.g. I am proud of my Brazilian roots...
    e.g. It's 21 years since she first moved to Britain from the Lebanon, but she hasn't forgotten her roots.

6. 根音乐(受传统文化强烈影响的流行音乐,尤指雷盖音乐)
    Roots is used to refer to pop music, especially reggae, that is strongly influenced by the traditional music of the culture that it originally came from.

    e.g. ...superb roots reggae by the likes of Little Roy and Wailing Souls.

7. (问题、困境等的)根源,起因,祸根
    You can refer to the cause of a problem or of an unpleasant situation as the root of it or the roots of it.

    e.g. We got to the root of the problem...
    e.g. This lack of recognition was at the root of the dispute...

8. 词根
    The root of a word is the part that contains its meaning and to which other parts can be added.

    e.g. The word 'secretary' comes from the same Latin root as the word 'secret'.

9. 翻找;搜寻
    If you root through or in something, you search for something by moving other things around.

    e.g. She rooted through the bag, found what she wanted, and headed toward the door...
    e.g. Dogs root in the debris at the roadside.

10. see also: rooted;cube root;grass roots;square root

11. 完全地;彻底地
      If something has been completely changed or destroyed, you can say that it has been changed or destroyed root and branch .

      e.g. The forces of National Socialism were transforming Germany root and branch...
      e.g. Some prison practices are in need of root and branch reform.

12. 911查询·英语单词

12. 扎根;定居;安家
      If someone puts down roots, they make a place their home, for example by taking part in activities there or by making a lot of friends there.

      e.g. When they got to Montana, they put down roots and built a life.

13. (想法、信念或风俗)深入人心,根深蒂固
      If an idea, belief, or custom takes root, it becomes established among a group of people.

      e.g. Time would be needed for democracy to take root...
      e.g. Without a sensible sex education all kinds of strange and fantastic ideas will take root.

相关词组:root around root for root out

root 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. The cabinet asked government offices to draw lessons from the accident and root out hidden risks.

2. Another dish worth trying is shrimp cake, made with tender mashed shrimp meat sandwiched around a crunchy lotus root.

3. root的近义词

3. The establishment of a national organ on preventing corruption will sound the clarion call to fight the scourge from its very root.

4. It is served with the very Chinese pairing of lotus root and candied osmanthus.

5. Minor repairs and maintenance cannot get to the root of the problem.

6. The exhibition presents more than 60 of his latest works inspired by such traditional arts as root carving and paper cutting.

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. Two cashmere industrial parks have taken root in the region, paving the way for the intensive growth of the industry.

8. Other children carried buckets of cassava on their heads, a starchy root that is the children's principal food along with rice and beans.

9. Was the system or our national character the root cause for this cataclysm?

10. root的近义词

10. I like to make pureed root vegetable soups with celery, potato and garlic.

root 英英释义



1. the part of a tooth that is embedded in the jaw and serves as support

    Synonym: tooth root

2. (linguistics) the form of a word after all affixes are removed

    e.g. thematic vowels are part of the stem

    Synonym: root word base stem theme radical


3. a simple form inferred as the common basis from which related words in several languages can be derived by linguistic processes

    Synonym: etymon

4. root的近义词

4. the set of values that give a true statement when substituted into an equation

    Synonym: solution

5. the place where something begins, where it springs into being

    e.g. the Italian beginning of the Renaissance
           Jupiter was the origin of the radiation
           Pittsburgh is the source of the Ohio River
           communism's Russian root

    Synonym: beginning origin rootage source

6. someone from whom you are descended (but usually more remote than a grandparent)

    Synonym: ancestor ascendant ascendent antecedent


7. (botany) the usually underground organ that lacks buds or leaves or nodes
    absorbs water and mineral salts
    usually it anchors the plant to the ground

8. root的意思

8. a number that, when multiplied by itself some number of times, equals a given number


1. take root and begin to grow

    e.g. this plant roots quickly

2. cause to take roots

3. become settled or established and stable in one's residence or life style

    e.g. He finally settled down

    Synonym: settle take root steady down settle down

4. dig with the snout

    e.g. the pig was rooting for truffles

    Synonym: rout rootle


5. plant by the roots

6. come into existence, originate

    e.g. The problem roots in her depression
