
rooting ['ru:tɪŋ]  ['ru:tɪŋ] 







rooting 基本解释



动词使固定; (指植物)生根成长,种植(植物)( root的现在分词 ); 翻寻; 铲除; 使(某事物)深深扎根

rooting 网络解释


1. 扎根:rooter 犁路机 | rooting 扎根 | ROP log 钻速录井

2. 根形成:rooted water plant 固着水生植物 | rooting 根形成 | rooting zone 根围

3. 发根:root tuber crops 块根罪 | rooting 发根 | rootstock grass 根茎禾本科植物

4. 求根:root symbol 根号 | rooting 求根 | rose 玫瑰线

rooting 单语例句

1. rooting的意思

1. The CPC is determined to cultivate a clean and honest government by rooting out corruption.

2. The overzealous comments immediately drove his audience to two rivaling camps - one rooting for his passion and the other demanding his resignation.

3. rooting

3. Ma believes China's NGOs should build credibility, by rooting their appeals in hard evidence.

4. rooting是什么意思

4. The army said the incursion was aimed at rooting out weapons smuggling tunnels in the area.

5. And a capacity stadium crowd chanted his name, rooting for an upset.

6. He kept up a steady stream of messages on his Twitter account, ranging from government announcements to rooting for the national soccer team.

7. rooting

7. Local fans will be rooting for the West Indies team to reach the championship match at the expanded Kensington Oval in April.

8. The woolly monkey was up to his armpit in my bag, rooting through clumps of socks and sweaters to pilfer the peanuts stashed inside.

9. rooting的解释

9. " We're rooting for the US team, " Wu said.

10. He urged policemen to work towards regaining credibility, citing the " extreme importance " of measures aimed at rooting out corruption in their ranks.

rooting 英英释义


1. the process of putting forth roots and beginning to grow
