







roots 基本解释

名词根源; 根( root的名词复数 ); 词根; (数学用语)方根

动词(指植物)生根成长,种植(植物)( root的第三人称单数 ); 翻寻; 铲除; 使(某事物)深深扎根

roots 网络解释

1. 髮根:以下就是最好的辨别模式:裁剪接合点的发根(Roots)正好在发根宽(发片厚度)的正中央,并与头皮形成90度,也就是当挟取发片时,依发根宽的正中央提拉90度(Degree),就能正确拉出等腰三角型发片(如图示-5).

2. 根源:这类矿石表现出即使个体间差异极大,个人性格及文化落差有如天差地别,但只要大家的根源(Roots)相同,同根而生的情谊就能将彼此的意识凝聚在一起. 面对朋友、同事、家庭问题时,这个矿石可以发挥出它的作用. 可以让人不拘泥于某一个视角,

3. 鲁氏:依构造不同,机械增压会经出现过许多种类 ,包括叶片式(Vane)、鲁氏(Roots)、温克尔(Wankle)等型式,而活塞运动最早也被认为是一种机械增压,时至今日,则以鲁氏增压器最被广泛使用,更是改装的大热门.

roots 单语例句

1. Bergen was buzzing with quality musicians and diverse music scene and it was here she planted her roots.

2. Coming from humble roots and struggling to succeed by one's own efforts are common experiences for China's new order of philanthropists.

3. roots

3. Real branches and leaves were also placed on top of the gunpowder in both the roots and the canopy parts.

4. Bamboo carving means to carve various ornamental patterns or characters on bamboo items, or make ornaments from bamboo roots by carving.

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5. All of these efforts to highlight Cathay's Chinese roots are being made to help it further penetrate the mainland market.

6. The cavity at its base and its roots showed signs of decay and of attacks by fungus.

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7. Certainly it is true that the festival we largely celebrate has its roots in Christianity, although some elements trace back further.

8. So then I decided that I was gonna embrace the Celtic roots on the other side of my family.

9. It is important to cut off the interest chain behind porn websites and remove the roots of porn content.

10. After living in Canada where life is full of fierce competition, life in China was a refreshing change that brought me back to my roots.

roots 英英释义


1. the condition of belonging to a particular place or group by virtue of social or ethnic or cultural lineage

    e.g. his roots in Texas go back a long way
           he went back to Sweden to search for his roots
           his music has African roots
