
rooted [ˈru:tɪd] [ˈru:tid] 






rooted 基本解释


形容词生根的,有根的; 固定的,根深蒂固的

动词生根; 使(某事物)深深扎根

rooted 网络解释


1. 生根的:rootage 根 | rooted 生根的 | rootedness 根深蒂固

2. 别人就是别人 都是无拘无束地 相亲相爱 形影不离 快快乐乐:Pixy Stix.|糖果棒 | They were the they, all well-loved, rooted, happy as you please,|别人就是别人 都是无拘无束地 相亲相爱 形影不离 快快乐乐 | always there in every town.|总是这样出现在每个小镇上

3. 树根缠绕:6 clumsy 减速?? | 7 rooted 树根缠绕??? | 8 pacified 宁静

rooted 词典解释

1. rooted的反义词

1. 起源于…的;根源于…的;由…产生的
    If you say that one thing is rooted in another, you mean that it is strongly influenced by it or has developed from it.

    e.g. The crisis is rooted in deep rivalries between the two groups.
    e.g. ...powerful songs rooted in traditional African music.

2. (观点、感受)根深蒂固的,难以改变的
    If someone has deeply rooted opinions or feelings, they believe or feel something extremely strongly and are unlikely to change.

    e.g. Racism is a deeply rooted prejudice which has existed for thousands of years.

3. (因害怕或吃惊)呆住,不能动弹
    If you are rooted to the spot, you are unable to move because you are very frightened or shocked.

    e.g. We just stopped there, rooted to the spot.

rooted 单语例句

1. California's energy crisis is rooted in a flawed 1996 deregulation plan that allowed wholesale power prices to soar while capping retail rates.

2. But analysts say the government also saw a chance to weed out a criminal element rooted within the casino community.

3. Even some of the main points of contention between Europe and China are actually rooted in shared interests.

4. This year Bosch will celebrate its centenary in China to mark not only business success, but also its deeply rooted role in China as a responsible corporate citizen.

5. But the actress says her cinematic ambitions are still rooted in the country.

6. Every aspect of the clan reflected the suffocating and rotten feudal system it was rooted in.

7. The unemployment rate will climb because companies won't be in any mood to hire until they feel certain a recovery is firmly rooted.

8. They are rooted in the two nations'domestic economic structures that have not readily come into line with globalization.

9. The problem of being not good at innovation reflects the Chinese custom and competence, which are rooted in China's complicated historical and cultural background.


10. A large number of exporters in China are under rising financial pressure rooted from reduced orders and delayed payment of credit accounts.
