
bomb [bɒm]  [bɑ:m] 






bomb 基本解释

名词炸弹; 彻底的失败; [橄榄球] 长传; 高压贮罐


不及物动词投弹; [俚语] 惨败; [俚语] 涂鸦

bomb 网络解释

1. 爆炸:执行变形和修改的工具分别为变形器(deformer)和修改器(modifier). 在3DSMAX中,所有的修改器位于Modify面板(图),这些修改器能对物体的形态产生变化或对其子物体进行操作. 而Space Warps面板提供了一些空间力场变形器,包括波纹(ripple)、爆炸(Bomb)等.

2. 火山弹:此蛋与彼蛋:火山弹(Bomb)是直径大于64毫米的、形状圆滑的熔岩块. 它是火山爆发时,熔融或部分熔融的岩屑飞入空中,冷却下落形成. 由于流体动力学的作用,岩块形成了圆滑的形状. 这一个火山弹是我们此行找到的最大的一枚.

bomb 词典解释

1. 炸弹;爆炸装置
    A bomb is a device which explodes and damages or destroys a large area.

    e.g. Bombs went off at two London train stations...
    e.g. It's not known who planted the bomb...

2. 核武器;核弹
    Nuclear weapons are sometimes referred to as the bomb .

    e.g. They are generally thought to have the bomb.

3. 轰炸;向…投炸弹
    When people bomb a place, they attack it with bombs.

    e.g. Airforce jets bombed the airport.

Aerial bombing of rebel positions is continuing...
There has been a series of car bombings.

4. see also: petrol bomb;pipe bomb

相关词组:bomb out

bomb 单语例句

1. The government also said the rebels violated the UN resolution by using a helicopter and a fighter jet to bomb Libyan armed forces.

2. bomb什么意思

2. The military said the tanker was in a convoy attacked by a roadside bomb, a grenade and small arms fire.

3. Police there said a civilian bystander died in a bomb attack on a police patrol on Thursday.


4. Another car bomb exploded in Kirkuk as the governor's convoy was passing by, killing a bystander and wounding 14 people.

5. bomb在线翻译

5. A car bomb exploded in Kirkuk as the governor's convoy was passing, killing a bystander and wounding 14 people.


6. Military sources said that in addition to the nine soldiers who were killed on Friday, a soldier perished in Jaffna when the suicide cadre's bomb exploded.


7. The man has confessed to calling the bank's president and placing a bomb threat as well as sending him two threatening letters.

8. Iran's hardline regime dismissed appeals from ElBaradei to freeze its controversial nuclear program and calm suspicions it is seeking the bomb.

9. Schools across the country practiced quickly and calmly entering prepared bomb shelters, and remaining inside for 15 minutes.

10. Officials initially blamed the explosion on a leaky gas canister, but later said it was caused by a bomb.

bomb 英英释义


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. an explosive device fused to explode under specific conditions

2. strong sealed vessel for measuring heat of combustion

    Synonym: bomb calorimeter

3. an event that fails badly or is totally ineffectual

    e.g. the first experiment was a real turkey
           the meeting was a dud as far as new business was concerned

    Synonym: turkey dud


1. bomb

1. throw bombs at or attack with bombs

    e.g. The Americans bombed Dresden

    Synonym: bombard

2. fail to get a passing grade

    e.g. She studied hard but failed nevertheless
           Did I fail the test?

    Synonym: fail flunk flush it
