
turkey [ˈtɜ:ki]  [ˈtɜ:rki] 


turkey 基本解释

名词火鸡; 蠢货; 失败之作

turkey 相关词组

1. say turkey to one and buzzard to another : 厚此薄彼;

2. have a turkey on one's back : 酒醉;

turkey 相关例句



1. My brother-in-law thinks he knows everything but he's a real turkey.

2. Mother roasted a turkey for dinner.

3. That turkey of a TV show was off the air after just two weeks.

4. The motion picture is a real turkey.

turkey 情景对话



A:I will be home for Thanksgiving so save a little turkey for me.

B:Save the dark meat for me.

turkey 网络解释


1. 火鸡肉:于是turkey and pastrami on rye指的就是用两片黑麦面包片(rye)中间夹着火鸡肉(turkey)和熏牛肉(pastrami)的一种类似于三明治的食品. 请看图片:环球电影公司(Universal Pictures)花重金将此故事打造成舞台剧,

2. 土尔其:这图章中的插图是我1997年到土尔其(Turkey)旅行时拍的. 那是接近我们行程的尾声. 本来旅行团的计划是我们会搭著火车从首都Ankara到Istanbul的. 但因为前一团所给的意见,他们就安排我们先在一个称为Bolu的小镇过夜,才前往终点.

turkey 词典解释

1. 火鸡
    A turkey is a large bird that is kept on a farm for its meat.

turkey 单语例句

1. Pope said the investigation also represented " a process by which Turkey is establishing the supremacy of civilian authority " over military power.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. Turkey's new president yesterday approved a Cabinet proposed by the prime minister, after vowing that he would respect secularist principles enshrined in the constitution.

3. China and Bahrain were added to the calendar last year, while Turkey joins for 2005.

4. They were the times of family dinners, featuring delicious hot turkey with cranberry sauce and dressing and candied sweet potatoes.

5. Kurdish rebels seeking autonomy from Turkey are active in the region and have targeted Turkish security forces with bomb attacks in the past.

6. turkey

6. Turkey has complained for years that the United States has not done enough to end PKK activity Iraq's autonomous Kurdish north.

7. A forum of six Arab states plus Turkey has urged Israel to halt all settlement activity so Mideast peace negotiations can resume.

8. He said he hoped momentum from this conference will carry over to the next, which is expected to be held next month in Turkey.

9. Turkey also is worried the Iraqi Kurds may be trying to carve out a separate homeland in northern Iraq that could inspire Turkish Kurds.

10. The location is definitely unique and even Spear still finds it a neat place to carve up a turkey.

turkey 英英释义



1. large gallinaceous bird with fan-shaped tail
    widely domesticated for food

    Synonym: Meleagris gallopavo

2. turkey的意思

2. an event that fails badly or is totally ineffectual

    e.g. the first experiment was a real turkey
           the meeting was a dud as far as new business was concerned

    Synonym: bomb dud

3. danci.911cha.com

3. flesh of large domesticated fowl usually roasted

4. a person who does something thoughtless or annoying

    e.g. some joker is blocking the driveway

    Synonym: joker
