
bombing [ˈbɒmɪŋ]  [ˈbɑ:mɪŋ] 



bombing 基本解释



动词轰炸,投弹于( bomb的现在分词 ); 失败,不及格; 快速前进

bombing 网络解释


1. 爆炸:bludgeon大头短棒,用大头棒猛击 | bombing爆炸 | carnage残杀,大屠杀

2. 轰炸:bomber轰炸机 | bombing轰炸 | booby mine诱发雷

3. 轰炸, 投弹:bombing table || 轰炸瞄准表 | bombing || 轰炸, 投弹 | bombiosterol || 蚕甾醇, 蚕固醇

4. 轰炸,进行时,没搞懂:allies 同盟 | bombing 轰炸,进行时,没搞懂. | mobilize 调动

bombing 单语例句

1. CANBERRA - The Australian government on Tuesday condemned as a terrible act of extremism a bombing at a Moscow Airport in Russia.

2. Information Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed condemned the bombing as an act of terrorism.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Two other US troops were killed in separate attacks in the south - one in a bombing and the other by small arms fire.

4. It was the fourth car bombing this month in Kirkuk, the center of Iraq's vast northern oil fields.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

5. Police did not categorize the attack as a suicide bombing but said two of the attackers died while carrying out the attack.

6. The bombing was certain to complicate American efforts to pacify an increasingly violent Iraq.

7. bombing的解释

7. She calls the act of artistic vandalism " yarn bombing, " adapting a term for plastering an area with graffiti tags.

8. bombing什么意思

8. With such nonstop bombing of Gadhafi's compound, the NATO commanders were crying it would be checkmate soon.

9. The US military said on Friday that a suicide car bombing on Wednesday at an Iraqi police checkpoint killed three people and wounded three.

10. The British government unveiled its plans in the wake of the thwarted Christmas Day bombing of a passenger plane bound for Detroit.

bombing 英英释义


1. bombing的近义词

1. an attack by dropping bombs

    Synonym: bombardment

2. the use of bombs for sabotage
    a tactic frequently used by terrorists
