
sane [seɪn]  [sen] 




sane 基本解释


形容词明智的; 稳健的; 神志正常的; 心智健全的

sane 同义词


形容词sensible rational logical sound

sane 反义词


形容词insane crazy mad

sane 相关例句



1. He is a very sane person.

2. She has a sane attitude towards diving and never goes too fast.

3. No sane man would go swimming in this nasty weather.

4. He has a diseased body but a sane mind.

5. Jim is not mad; he is as sane as any other normal person.

sane 网络解释


1. 健全的:Chapter 5 的目的是提供一个健全的(sane)临时环境,使我们可以通过 chroot 进入,借助它我们可以在 Chapter 6 建立一个干净无误的 LFS 系统. 因此我们要尽可能的从主系统分离,建立一个自给自足(self-contained and self-hosted)的工具链(toolchain).

2. 神智健全的:affective 情感的 | sane 神智健全的 | superstition 迷信

3. 理智的:sandy 沙地的 | sane 理智的 | sanely 心智健全

4. 神志正常 神志正常:sanction 制裁 制裁 | sane 神志正常 神志正常 | scapegoat 替罪羊 替罪羊

sane 词典解释

1. 心智健全的;神志正常的
    Someone who is sane is able to think and behave normally and reasonably, and is not mentally ill.

    e.g. He seemed perfectly sane...
    e.g. It wasn't the act of a sane person.

2. 清醒的;明智的;合情合理的
    If you refer to a sane person, action, or system, you mean one that you think is reasonable and sensible.

    e.g. No sane person wishes to see conflict or casualties.
    e.g. ...a sane and safe energy policy.

sane 单语例句

1. The trip is fraught with many technical challenges, many of which are outranked by the question of keeping the crew healthy and sane.

2. The court also found him to be sane, dismissing the prosecution's request for an insane verdict.

3. The public's ire has been raised in recent times by a series of cases in which sane people were forced into treatment in mental hospitals.

4. Her husband said she talks to herself and constantly weeps at home but was diagnosed as sane after psychiatric tests.

5. It is difficult to believe this can happen in a sane society.

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. One of the important things a happy expat must do to keep sane is return home and touch base with the local tribe.

7. " I think that my sense of humor is the only thing that keeps me sane, " he told Newsweek magazine in a 1994 interview.

8. The White House is finished globally because its reputation, words of honour and sane actions are held to question.

9. Preliminary findings show that SANE countries have both the size and the scale to be major drivers of Africa's economic growth.

10. Many in the packed courtroom gave a sign of relief when Breivik was announced sane.

sane 英英释义



1. sane什么意思

1. marked by sound judgment

    e.g. sane nuclear policy

    Synonym: reasonable

2. mentally healthy
    free from mental disorder

    e.g. appears to be completely sane
