
sensible [ˈsensəbl]  [ˈsɛnsəbəl] 

比较级:more sensible


最高级:most sensible

sensible 基本解释


形容词明智的; 通情达理的; 合乎情理的; 意识到的,能感觉到的

名词可感觉到的东西; 敏感的人

sensible 同义词

形容词bright practical sane rational realistic understanding intelligent wise

sensible 反义词


sensible 相关例句


1. Are those shoes sensible for walking?

2. That was sensible of you.

3. Be sensible and take your umbrella with you.

4. I am sensible of my error.

5. The seriously wounded soldier was speechless but still sensible.

sensible 网络解释


1. 明白事理的:对企业忠诚有团队(Teams)归属感,有合作精神的Health),是进入500强的不可缺少的条件,企业要求员工是有礼貌的(Gentle)、有教养的(Genteel)、明白事理的(Sensible),希望员工光明正大的(Sporting)、实事求是的(Realistic)接人待物,

2. 明智的:选举法官看来是一种明智的(sensible)、明显的(obvious)使法官对公众负责的方式. 令人难以置信的是,证据表明,选举的法官与任命的法官的做法(behave)并没有差别. 基本情况仍旧是,法官选举不像选举州长或国会议员那么具有党派性,

sensible 词典解释

1. (行为或决定)明智的,理智的,合理的
    Sensible actions or decisions are good because they are based on reasons rather than emotions.

    e.g. It might be sensible to get a solicitor...
    e.g. The sensible thing is to leave them alone.

He sensibly decided to lie low for a while...
They have very sensibly adjusted their diet.

2. (人)明智的,理智的,通情达理的
    Sensible people behave in a sensible way.

    e.g. She was a sensible girl and did not panic...
    e.g. Oh come on, let's be sensible about this...

3. (衣服、鞋子)耐用的,朴素而实用的
    Sensible shoes or clothes are practical and strong rather than fashionable and attractive.

    e.g. Wear loose clothing and sensible footwear.

They were not sensibly dressed.
Take care not to confuse sensible and sensitive. You do not use sensible to describe someone whose feelings or emotions are strongly affected by their experiences. The word you need is sensitive. ...a highly sensitive artist.
注意不要混淆 sensible 和 sensitive。描述某人的情绪或感情会受其经历强烈影响时用sensitive,不用sensible:a highly sensitive artist (极其敏感的艺术家)。
sensible 单语例句

1. sensible什么意思

1. But by far the most sensible thing to do in the city is to enjoy life and partake of its feast.

2. sensible的近义词

2. The call for the international community to address climate change is sensible, but sensationalizing it as an issue of security is conspiratorial.

3. Police officers made a sensible decision yesterday to call off their demonstration scheduled for Sunday.

4. The government distributed an open letter asking cabbies to be sensible and calm, and to express their requests in rational and lawful ways.

5. Every sensible man will share the acute pain inevitably connected with such a hard choice.

6. sensible是什么意思

6. The ad features 5 women saying they would choose husbands who invest in solid government debt because they are sensible investors.


7. " It's not a sensible move for the US government to file such a complaint, " China's intellectual property chief Tian Lipu told Xinhua on Tuesday.

8. Even with such official definitions, we have to confess that is difficult to make sensible distinction among the authorities.

9. It should have the will and courage to force motorists and cyclists to observe sensible rules that seek to make this city safer for everyone.

10. The most sensible approach is to strictly execute current regulations on pedestrian misconduct.
