
rational [ˈræʃnəl]  [ˈræʃənəl] 

比较级:more rational

最高级:most rational



rational 基本解释

形容词理性的; 合理的; 理智的; 神智清楚的

名词合理的事物; [数]有理数; 懂道理的人,人类; 〈英〉合理的服装

rational 同义词

形容词sensible reasonable thinking level-headed logical sound

rational 反义词

形容词absurd irrational unreasonable

rational 网络解释

1. 有理的:这刚好否定了毕达哥拉斯关于数的存在都是有理的(rational)的想法,这个学生的发现导致了他的丧命:被教众抛进了大海. 这次事件被称作数学历史上的第一次危机,它否定了一切数都是有理数的结论. 直到18-19世纪,

2. 有理数:有时用户希望在指令窗口中得到的是自己想要的数据形式,比如说是有理数(Rational)形式,则可以通过在[File]主菜单中打开[Preferences] 子菜单,并在对话框中做相应的选择操作即可.

rational 词典解释

1. rational的反义词

1. 理性的;合理的
    Rational decisions and thoughts are based on reason rather than on emotion.

    e.g. He's asking you to look at both sides of the case and come to a rational decision...
    e.g. Mary was able to short-circuit her stress response by keeping her thoughts calm and rational.

It can be very hard to think rationally when you're feeling so vulnerable and alone.
We live in an era of rationality.

2. 理性的;理智的
    A rational person is someone who is sensible and is able to make decisions based on intelligent thinking rather than on emotion.

    e.g. Did he come across as a sane rational person?...
    e.g. Rachel looked calmer and more rational now.

rational 单语例句

1. rational什么意思

1. If we agree that consumers are rational spenders, we cannot see any reason for them to reject Chinese goods across the board.

2. He told China Business Weekly that investors are becoming more rational, but the investment value of China's listed companies are fading and their performance declining.

3. rational的翻译

3. It is fuelled by rampant frustrations and a lack of tradition for rational discourse.

4. rational

4. Real patriotism should be rational and can be translated into concrete actions that make our own nation stronger and united.

5. rational什么意思

5. The government distributed an open letter asking cabbies to be sensible and calm, and to express their requests in rational and lawful ways.

6. " We often helped explain and persuade angry protestors to calm down and be rational, " said Yang.

7. And when the choice was between death by starvation and a political revolt, it was but rational to expect the workers to overthrow capitalist regimes.

8. The CE has thus encouraged his supporters to speak out and Lam stressed that people who hold opposite views should stay rational in expressing themselves.

9. That means the property industry must adapt itself to the changed market environment and sell its residential units at rational and reasonable prices.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. One staff member with the association says they hope consumers will choose more rational ways to cope with such disputes.

rational 英英释义


1. an integer or a fraction

    Synonym: rational number


1. rational的近义词

1. having its source in or being guided by the intellect (as distinguished from experience or emotion)

    e.g. a rational analysis

2. rational是什么意思

2. of or associated with or requiring the use of the mind

    e.g. intellectual problems
           the triumph of the rational over the animal side of man

    Synonym: intellectual noetic

3. consistent with or based on or using reason

    e.g. rational behavior
           a process of rational inference
           rational thought

4. capable of being expressed as a quotient of integers

    e.g. rational numbers
