1. 座板:座tosittotakeaseat | 座板saddling | 座标coordinate
2. 穿孔毛坯在芯棒上辗压(或扩径):saddle type walking beam鞍形步进梁、鞍形动梁 | saddling穿孔毛坯在芯棒上辗压(或扩径) | safety coefficient安全系数、储备系数
3. 鞍锻 座板:saddle-typeturretlathe鞍座式转塔车床 | saddling鞍锻 座板 | sadh植物生长调节剂丁酰肼
4. 鞍锻:saddling 座板 | saddling 鞍锻 | sadducean 撒都该教徒的
1. Economists fret that many of the projects they are funding will never be profitable, saddling banks with bad loans.
2. saddling的翻译
2. Mott completed an impressive Breeders'Cup double after saddling Ladies'Classic winner Royal Delta on Friday.
3. Beijing always opposes the practice of saddling unilateral sanctions on a third country.