1. 座垫:其它 Others | 座垫 Saddles | 水壶架 Bottle Cage
2. 基石:Quartzite 石英岩 | Saddles 基石 | Sandstone 沙岩
3. 窑具陶瓷耐火土托座:saddlery鞍具 马具店 | saddles窑具陶瓷耐火土托座 | saddle-shapeduterus马鞍形子宫
4. 鞍座:48 Tubes 管件 | 50 Saddles 鞍座 | 51 Consoles 控制台
1. And punters that belly up to the bar here must straddle saddles bejeweled with chrome studs.
2. Dust covered the saddles and the tires still had their tiny rubber nodules.