
saddle [ˈsædl]  [ˈsædl]







saddle 基本解释


名词马鞍; (自行车或摩托车的)车座; 鞍形架,鞍状物; (动物的)脊肉



saddle 同义词


动词harness weigh down encumber yoke burden oppress load

saddle 反义词



saddle 相关词组

1. in the saddle : 使有控制权, 掌权, 处于负责地位;

2. saddle up : 备马;

3. get into the saddle : 上马, 就职;

saddle 相关例句


1. He was saddled with a wife and five children.

2. He saddled his horse and rode away.


1. The boy saw a pony with a brand-new saddle over its back.

2. When riding a horse you sit on the saddle.

saddle 网络解释

1. 鞍:琴桥上有一个重要的部分就是,就是鞍(saddle),多由骨头或者塑料制成. 鞍将琴弦在琴桥上架起,并帮助把琴弦的振动传递到面板. 面板(top):可能对于原声吉他的声音影响最大的一个元素就是面板(top)了. 当琴弦被弹动时,

2. 马鞍:而有些早期梳状椅背带有卡布里腿、和看起来像马鞍(saddle)的宽厚椅座. 除此也有做成箍形背(hoop-back)、轮形背(wheel-back)、梯形背(ladder-back)的椅子,而温莎椅乃带有宽大的卡不里腿或简单的车枳腿. 17世纪早期,

3. 鞍点:教育出版社<<光学>> 高文琦 等编 南京大学出版社<<数学物理方法>> 邵慧民编 科学出版社<<大学数学教程>> 王巧玲 等编 南京大学出版社约瑟夫逊(Josephson)结的基本特性研究和力学类比特殊的点称之为鞍点(saddle)或叫双曲点.

saddle 词典解释

1. 鞍;马鞍
    A saddle is a leather seat that you put on the back of an animal so that you can ride the animal.

2. saddle

2. 给(马等)备鞍;给…装上马鞍
    If you saddle a horse, you put a saddle on it so that you can ride it.

    e.g. Why don't we saddle a couple of horses and go for a ride?

3. (自行车或摩托车的)车座
    A saddle is a seat on a bicycle or motorcycle.

4. (羊、兔或鹿的)脊肉,腰肉
    A saddle of lamb, rabbit, or venison is a piece of meat taken from the middle of the animal's back.


5. 使承担(责任、任务)
    If you saddle someone with a problem or with a responsibility, you put them in a position where they have to deal with it.

    e.g. The war devastated the economy and saddled the country with a huge foreign debt.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

6. 骑马
    If you are in the saddle, you are riding a horse.

    e.g. When I watch horse racing on television, I wish I was back in the saddle.

7. 在位;掌权
    If you are in the saddle, you are in power or in control of a situation.

    e.g. The armed forces and the hardliners are now going to be in the saddle.

相关词组:saddle up

saddle 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. While the competition generated ample publicity for Kris Ryan's new venue, fans of The Saddle and Cox will no doubt conclude that the hype is justified.

2. saddle

2. In ancient China, adulterous women were made to sit on the saddle and ride through town.

3. His weight rested on his pelvic bones instead of the crotch area, which formerly pressed against the saddle's nose.

4. saddle

4. While Landis was tucked in an almost perfect aerodynamic position, the Spaniard was at times seen struggling to keep himself in the saddle.

5. saddle什么意思

5. Other exhibits are slightly harder to stomach, for instance a donkey saddle with a wooden dildo attached.

6. saddle什么意思

6. Experts said the high oil prices and the relatively high tax rate would saddle users with an excessively heavy financial burden.

7. Custom Horse Products in the US is producing the saddle pads for the Brazilian Olympic equestrian team.

8. saddle的翻译

8. It turned out to be too small for me and the saddle was uncomfortable.

9. But the night's most impressive dish for me turned out to be the lamb saddle from Australia.

10. They fear that Glazer's heavily leveraged takeover will saddle the club in debt and result in higher ticket prices.

saddle 英英释义


1. posterior part of the back of a domestic fowl

2. a seat for the rider of a bicycle

    Synonym: bicycle seat

3. a seat for the rider of a horse or camel

4. a piece of leather across the instep of a shoe

5. saddle的近义词

5. cut of meat (especially mutton or lamb) consisting of part of the backbone and both loins

6. a pass or ridge that slopes gently between two peaks (is shaped like a saddle)

    Synonym: saddleback


1. impose a task upon, assign a responsibility to

    e.g. He charged her with cleaning up all the files over the weekend

    Synonym: charge burden

2. load or burden

    e.g. he saddled me with that heavy responsibility

3. put a saddle on

    e.g. saddle the horses
