
progress [ˈprəʊgres]  [ˈprɑ:gres] 






progress 基本解释

名词进步; 前进; [生物学]进化; (向更高方向)增长

动词发展; (使)进步,(使)进行; 促进

不及物动词发展; (向更高方向)增进

progress 同义词


动词advance move proceed go ahead

名词advance advancement progression

progress 反义词



progress 相关词组

1. in progress : 前进, 进行中;

2. make progress : 取得进步/展;

progress 相关例句



1. The building of the railroad is progressing.

2. Our company cannot progress until we employ more people.


1. They made slow progress towards the mountaintop.

2. You have made progress with your English.

3. The disease makes rapid progress .

progress 网络解释


1. 进度:摘要:安全(Safety)、质量(Quality)、进度(Progress)和效益(Benefit)是工程项目系统的有机组成部分,既互相关联、又互相制约. 论述了他们之间的辩证关系和在把握中存在的主要问题,提出了坚持系统管理思想、正确把握各自定位、采取有效的项目管理措施等相关对策.

progress 词典解释
The noun is pronounced /'prəʊgres, am 'prɑː-/. The verb is pronounced /prə'gres/. 名词读作 /'prəʊgres, 美 'prɑː-/,动词读作 /prə'gres/。

1. 进步;进展
    Progress is the process of gradually improving or getting nearer to achieving or completing something.

    e.g. The medical community continues to make progress in the fight against cancer...
    e.g. The two sides made little if any progress towards agreement.

2. 进展;进程
    The progress of a situation or action is the way in which it develops.

    e.g. The Chancellor is reported to have been delighted with the progress of the first day's talks...
    e.g. Ellen would keep me abreast of the progress by phone.

3. progress的解释

3. 进步;进展;发展;改进
    To progress means to move over a period of time to a stronger, more advanced, or more desirable state.

    e.g. He will visit once a fortnight to see how his new staff are progressing...
    e.g. Were you surprised that his disease progressed so quickly?...

4. 继续进行;逐步发展
    If events progress, they continue to happen gradually over a period of time.

    e.g. As the evening progressed, sadness turned to rage...
    e.g. Life was hard, and it became harder as the war progressed.

5. progress的翻译

5. 使…发展;使…取得进展
    If you progress something, you cause it to develop.

    e.g. Very little was done to progress the case in the first 10 or so months after K was charged.

6. 正在进行中
    If something is in progress, it has started and is still continuing.

    e.g. The game was already in progress when we took our seats...
    e.g. The diaries are a mixture of confession, work in progress and observation.

progress 单语例句

1. The Chinese vice premier also spoke highly of the progress made by the two sides in bilateral business and trade relations in recent years.


2. The company also highlighted its business progress in emerging markets in the report.


3. But CNSA declined to confirm or reveal the project's progress yesterday.

4. The discerning people can see some economies in the region develop very fast and seaborne trade progress day by day in recent years.

5. " By definition that is the real China - because it's untouched by progress, " he says.

6. China's enormous achievements and progress over the past three decades have been attained by means of this policy.

7. There was no report of progress, although Amer predicted a resolution by Saturday.

8. He added investigations conducted by the HK Monetary Authority and SFC on the minibond sale of Lehman Brothers have made good progress.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

9. But she said if the bill isn't approved by then it doesn't mean the US isn't making progress in tackling global warming.

10. She said it is meaningless for the opposition lawmakers to pursue democratic progress by way of resignation.

progress 英英释义


1. progress

1. gradual improvement or growth or development

    e.g. advancement of knowledge
           great progress in the arts

    Synonym: advancement

2. the act of moving forward (as toward a goal)

    Synonym: progression procession advance advancement forward motion onward motion

3. progress的翻译

3. a movement forward

    e.g. he listened for the progress of the troops

    Synonym: progression advance


1. develop in a positive way

    e.g. He progressed well in school
           My plants are coming along
           Plans are shaping up

    Synonym: come on come along advance get on get along shape up

2. form or accumulate steadily

    e.g. Resistance to the manager's plan built up quickly
           Pressure is building up at the Indian-Pakistani border

    Synonym: build up work up build

3. move forward, also in the metaphorical sense

    e.g. Time marches on

    Synonym: advance pass on move on march on go on
