make progress

make progress [meik ˈprəuɡres]  [mek ˈprɑɡˌrɛs] 

make progress 基本解释


前进,进步; 向上

make progress 网络解释

make progress在线翻译

1. 进步:我们希望将来她会取得更大的进步(make progress). 6.星期五上午8:30全市初三年级将进行英语测试,你班的英语教师(Smith)临时有事,请你替她在班上作一些事项交代. 要点如下:(2005年武汉市)昨天小华骑自行车上学,过马路闯红灯时,

2. 取得进步:40. overcome difficulties克服困难 | 41. make progress取得进步 | 42. a sense of national pride民族自豪感

3. 前进;进步:alphabet n.字母表 | make progress 前进;进步 | effective adj.有效的

make progress 单语例句

1. In order to make progress toward this goal, the Iraqi government must stop the sectarian violence in its capital.

2. make progress是什么意思

2. He called on the whole nation to work hard and capitalize on the sound momentum of development to make further progress in China's modernization drive.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. To make progress while maintaining stability, the socialist core value system shall be carried forward.

4. We sincerely hope the two countries can carry forward such friendly military relations and then make new progress.

5. make progress

5. Hong said China hopes the Peruvian government and people will make new progress on the path chosen by themselves.

6. Rogge said that his main hope for 2007 was to make further progress in clamping down on doping in sport.

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7. The issuance of eurobonds would be a very useful instrument to show the European Union's cohesion and its will to make progress in fiscal governance.

8. make progress的解释

8. European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said in April China had to make progress on human rights before the EU would lift the ban.

9. Observers said the incident prompted urgent calls on both sides to rein in the situation, reduce the increasing risks and make tangible progress in bilateral communications.

10. The company reiterated its profitability targets for 2010 and said it will make " definitive progress " toward these goals next year.
