come along

come along [kʌm əˈlɔŋ]  [kʌm əˈlɔŋ] 

come along 基本解释


到来; 快点; 一起向前走; 进步

come along 相关例句

come along的反义词


1. He came along with us.

2. You should be ready to solve any problem that may come along.

3. The work was coming along quite well.

come along 网络解释

come along

1. 来;随同:come v.来 | come along 来;随同 | come down 下来;落

2. 进展:come across 发现 | come along 进展 | come back 恢复

3. 出现:6. feel like想要 | 7. come along出现 | 8. get along相处

4. 陪伴:combination n.结合(体),联合(体) | come along 陪伴 | come down 跌价; 流传

come along 词典解释
come along的翻译

1. (尤用于鼓励别人参加某活动)来吧,一起来
    You tell someone to come along to encourage them in a friendly way to do something, especially to attend something.

    e.g. There's a big press launch today and you're most welcome to come along.

2. come along的意思

2. 加把劲儿;赶快
    You say 'come along' to someone to encourage them to hurry up, usually when you are rather annoyed with them.

    e.g. Come along, Osmond. No sense in your standing around.

3. (偶然地)发生,来到
    When something or someone comes along, they occur or arrive by chance.

    e.g. I waited a long time until a script came along that I thought was genuinely funny...
    e.g. It was lucky you came along.

4. come along的近义词

4. 进展;进步
    If something is coming along, it is developing or making progress.

    e.g. Pentagon spokesman Williams says those talks are coming along quite well...
    e.g. How's Ferguson coming along?

come along 单语例句

1. I have four siblings so my mum and dad can't always come along.

2. come along的解释

2. But figure skating is anything but predictable, and the only certainty is that someone will come along to shake things up.

3. Chemical plants and other potential sources of pollution along river banks will immediately come under the scanner of environmental authorities.

4. Another footballing cliche is the one which says a team must take their chances when they come along.

5. Walk along the main path and turn right when you come across a huge bengal tree.

6. A new century started along with the millennium clock, but a new era had already come after the Cold War ended.

7. There's money, but that doesn't necessarily come along with fame.

8. " They don't come along at this scale very often, " Northrop Grumman Chairman and CEO Ronald Sugar said.

9. Motivation will come along the way if it is not there now.

10. Come along and see what cities will be like in the future!

come along 英英释义


1. develop in a positive way

    e.g. He progressed well in school
           My plants are coming along
           Plans are shaping up

    Synonym: progress come on advance get on get along shape up

2. come into being or existence, or appear on the scene

    e.g. Then the computer came along and changed our lives
           Homo sapiens appeared millions of years ago

    Synonym: appear
