
induce [ɪnˈdju:s]  [ɪnˈdu:s] 








induce 基本解释


及物动词引起; 归纳; 引诱; [电]感应

induce 同义词

动词move evoke cause influence elicit lead on stimulate prompt persuade sway

induce 反义词



induce 相关例句


1. Nothing in the world would induce me to do that.

2. What induced you to do such a foolish thing?

3. Her illness was induced by overwork.

4. Too much food induces sleepiness.

induce 网络解释

1. 感应:以及用复合物半导体取代电晶体通道 (transistor channel) 中的矽半导体. 英特尔也在研究各种采用非电荷基础 (non-charge-based) 的技术,其可望有一天完全取代 CMOS . 咁多能量系空中飘,感应(induce)到落个人到都应该对健康影响几大下,要再做多D研究先得.

induce 词典解释

1. induce

1. 引起;导致
    To induce a state or condition means to cause it.

    e.g. Doctors said surgery could induce a heart attack.
    e.g. economic crisis induced by high oil prices.

2. 引诱;劝说
    If you induce someone to do something, you persuade or influence them to do it.

    e.g. I would do anything to induce them to stay...
    e.g. More than 4,000 teachers were induced to take early retirement.
           4000 多名教师被说服提前退休。

3. 用人工方法引(产)
    If a doctor or nurse induces labour or birth, they cause a pregnant woman to start giving birth by using drugs or other medical means.

    e.g. He might decide that it is best to induce labour.

...if there are obvious medical reasons for induction.
induce 单语例句

1. Doctors warn that DEHP can cause male fertility problems and induce female precocious puberty, and that experiments on animals have demonstrated a carcinogenic effect.

2. Engineers induce rain by chemically " seeding " clouds, with one method involving burning silver iodide.

3. At its core, reform must denationalize the economy and induce more political participation from citizens.

4. She was given syntocinon by drip to induce labor as instructed by Lam the next morning but became unresponsive after one and a half hours.

5. Dropping rates might induce consumers and businesses to stop burrowing and instead boost their spending, an important ingredient to energize overall economic activity.

6. The rising value of the renminbi will induce Chinese manufacturers to shift their emphasis from export markets to production for markets at home.

7. To induce more people to consume and push up the growth rate, we first of all have to empower them.

8. Wu said the US financial volatility would not induce a slowdown in China's real economy, but would have a psychological impact on the financial market.

9. induce

9. The increase in bond yields will even induce a lower assessment rate.

10. In rural areas, high income also tends to induce high levels of satisfaction.

induce 英英释义


1. induce

1. reason or establish by induction

2. cause to do
    cause to act in a specified manner

    e.g. The ads induced me to buy a VCR
           My children finally got me to buy a computer
           My wife made me buy a new sofa

    Synonym: stimulate cause have get make

3. cause to arise

    e.g. induce a crisis

    Synonym: bring on

4. cause to occur rapidly

    e.g. the infection precipitated a high fever and allergic reactions

    Synonym: stimulate rush hasten

5. produce electric current by electrostatic or magnetic processes

    Synonym: induct
