
induced [ɪnd'ju:st]  [ɪnd'ju:st] 






induced 基本解释
感应的;引诱( induce的过去式和过去分词 );<正>引起;催产;催生;
induced 网络解释

1. 感应的:indirectly heated cathod 旁热式阴极 | induced 感应的 | inductance 电感

2. 导致:Customarily 通常 usually | Induced 导致 caused | Remarkable 异常的 extraordinary

3. 感生的:induced voltage 感应电压 | induced 感生的 | induced 感应的

induced 单语例句

1. Most of those births involved caesarean sections or induced deliveries, they said.

2. The treatment put the patient into a chemically induced coma to let the body fight off the virus.

3. It has already been shown to reduce the incidence and rate of chemically induced mammary tumors in animals.

4. Three out of every five pregnant women visiting Nanjing Maternity & Child Health Care Hospital apply for an induced abortion.

5. A recent report in the Spanish newspaper ABC said the Venezuelan president was in an induced coma and on life support.

6. Weather specialists also induced rain in early May in Beijing, helping relieve drought and wash dust from the capital after it was plagued by sandstorms.

7. The television series obviously agitated her and induced her to commit murder, police said.

8. These include ending elective cesarean sections and induced labor deliveries before 39 weeks of gestation.

9. Researchers induced yawning in humans and then observed brain activity with encephalography.

10. Eventual success in reviving the economy depends on job creation which in turn relies on how effectively investment can be induced to the territory.

induced 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. brought about or caused
    not spontaneous

    e.g. a case of steroid-induced weakness
