
sway [sweɪ]  [swe] 






sway 基本解释


不及物动词摇摆; 歪,倾斜; 改变

及物动词使前后或来回摇摆; 使倾斜; [航海]升起桅杆

名词摇摆; 支配,统治

sway 相关词组

1. under the sway of : 受...统治, 被...支配;

sway 相关例句



1. The weight of the load swayed the boat to the left.

2. He swayed the biggest nation in the world.


1. The earthquake caused the wall to sway to the left.

2. That was the motive that swayed with him.


1. The beliefs which now hold sway may one day be rejected.

sway 网络解释


1. 摇动:开始摇动(sway)你的上半身,慢慢的轻轻的,以figure-8的方式. 不要移动你的脚,只要用一种懒散的状态摇动你的上半身. 试着这样做感觉一下. 想一想. 这就是肢体摇动(body rocking). 当你摇走(rock out)时,团体里的人会感到更被你吸引,

2. 摆动:当舞步已经熟练了之后,华尔滋舞有很多的空间去展现,如轻微的摆动(sway),不仅可以让舞步看起来较柔和优雅,也可帮助旋转. 摆动的一般原则为:假如在第一拍时用右脚前进或后退,在第2拍和第3拍则向右摆动;假如第一拍是用左脚前进或后退,

3. 倾斜:并且在上升时造成对身体不适,而且太过度的转动造成完全缺乏品质的不流畅移动. (d) 倾斜(Sway),倾斜主要的形势用于平衡横向的倾斜. 断裂式的倾斜(Broken Sway)是属于特殊的倾斜不属于技术规范定义内.

sway 词典解释

1. 摇晃;摇摆;摆动
    When people or things sway, they lean or swing slowly from one side to the other.

    e.g. The people swayed back and forth with arms linked...
    e.g. The whole boat swayed and tipped.

2. 影响;左右
    If you are swayed by someone or something, you are influenced by them.

    e.g. Don't ever be swayed by fashion.
    e.g. ...last minute efforts by the main political parties to sway the voters in tomorrow's local elections.

3. sway

3. 占统治地位;具有重大影响力
    If someone or something holds sway, they have great power or influence over a particular place or activity.

    e.g. South of the Usk, a completely different approach seems to hold sway...
    e.g. The 'families' are the basic units, each holding sway over a recognised territory.

4. 在…的控制下;在…的支配下;在…的影响下
    If you are under the sway of someone or something, they have great influence over you.

    e.g. How mothers keep daughters under their sway is the subject of the next five sections.
           在接下来的 5 节将探讨母亲怎样管教女儿。

sway 单语例句

1. sway的解释

1. But that conviction did not sway Democrats, who insisted Kerry was still in contention for Ohio's decisive cache of 20 electoral votes.

2. Second it is meant to sway public opinion in favor of the opposition camp ahead of the 2012 CE election.

3. A group of ladies with red cloths in their hands swing and sway and nearby another group does a series of serious stretching movements.

4. It is an obvious attempt to lure potential homebuyers to pay high prices and to sway policymakers to pass advantageous regulations.

5. But many see dwindling membership and a damaging internal row at IG Metall as proof unions lack the power to sway policy.

6. We have no reason to believe that the money will not sway the department's way of dispensing justice in its dealings with these coalmines.

7. Bigger voting power would give countries like China greater sway over IMF lending decisions and more influence over global economic policy.

8. danci.911chaxun.com

8. Those extras were enough to sway some House members who voted " no " the first time around.

9. sway

9. Lavrov said it is important for all states that have sway over Syria's opposition groups to convince them to stop escalating the situation.

10. In the name of promoting freedom of navigation in the region, the US is attempting to hold sway over it.

sway 英英释义


1. pitching dangerously to one side

    Synonym: rock careen tilt

2. controlling influence


1. move back and forth or sideways

    e.g. the ship was rocking
           the tall building swayed
           She rocked back and forth on her feet

    Synonym: rock shake

2. cause to move back and forth

    e.g. rock the cradle
           rock the baby
           the wind swayed the trees gently

    Synonym: rock

3. sway

3. move or walk in a swinging or swaying manner

    e.g. He swung back

    Synonym: swing

4. win approval or support for

    e.g. Carry all before one
           His speech did not sway the voters

    Synonym: carry persuade
