
fussy [ˈfʌsi]  [ˈfʌsi] 




fussy 基本解释

形容词大惊小怪的; 难取悦的; 易烦恼的; (衣着,字句等上)充分讲究的

fussy 相关例句



1. He is a fussy eater.

2. He is fussy about his food.

3. I am not fussy about what I eat.

4. Are you fussy what time we have dinner?

5. Some girls like fussy dresses.

fussy 网络解释

1. 爱挑剔的:fusspot 吹毛求疵的人 | fussy 爱挑剔的 | fustanella 白短裙

2. 大惊小怪的:fuss 忙乱;吹捧 vi.忙乱 | fussy 大惊小怪的 | future 将来,未来;前途

3. 喜欢小题大做的:-喜欢小题大做的 fussy | -好管闲事的 noisy | -吹毛求疵的 fault-finding

4. 琐碎的 (不是 迷惑的):antithetic 别看成真实的) | fussy 琐碎的(不是迷惑的) | willfulness 任性(不是乐意)

fussy 词典解释

1. 过分注重细节的;爱挑剔的;难以取悦的
    Someone who is fussy is very concerned with unimportant details and is difficult to please.

    e.g. She is not fussy about her food...
    e.g. Her aunt was small, with a rather fussy manner.

She adjusted her coloured head scarf fussily...
He was once described as a fussily accurate test pilot.
There's a lack of fussiness about the way he works.

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2. 过分装饰的;过于繁琐的
    If you describe things such as clothes and furniture as fussy, you are criticizing them because they are too elaborate or detailed.

    e.g. We are not very keen on floral patterns and fussy designs.

...the fussily ornate Jubilee Room at the House of Commons.
fussy 单语例句

1. The service is well trained and careful, without seeming too fussy.

2. fussy

2. He was " fussy " about his own dressing, buying clothes and going to tailors to have them made to his own request.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. Shen said people nowadays are not fussy as long as the smokers take care of their health.

4. One may tend to think that perhaps Hong Kong women are particularly fussy about the fairness of their skin.

5. fussy

5. What will she do when confronted by an angry neighbor or fussy colleague?

6. " What farmers need is too small and too fussy for them to do, " said Sang.

7. Colored green or brown, these look more like fussy cakes of soap.

8. Their shapes are fussy, and the glass facade is garishly reflective.

9. It is fussy, temperamental and difficult both to grow and vinify.

10. Naomi is not the only star to amaze diners with her fussy eating habits.

fussy 英英释义



1. exacting especially about details

    e.g. a finicky eater
           fussy about clothes
           very particular about how her food was prepared

    Synonym: finical finicky particular picky

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2. annoyed and irritable

    Synonym: crabbed crabby cross grouchy grumpy bad-tempered ill-tempered

3. fussy的翻译

3. overcrowded or cluttered with detail

    e.g. a busy painting
           a fussy design

    Synonym: busy
