
grumpy [ˈgrʌmpi]  [ˈɡrʌmpi] 




grumpy 基本解释


形容词脾气暴躁的; 脾气坏的; 性情粗暴的; 性情乖戾的

grumpy 情景对话


A:I don’t know what to do! I’ve been dieting for months and I just can’t seem to lose any weight!

B:Are you doing any exercise?

A:No, if I exercise, I get hungry, and then I end up eating too much.

B:I think that might be your problem.

A:Really? Why?

B:Well, if you want to lose weight and keep it off, you need to exercise as well as watch what you eat.If you don’t eat enough, your body will start going into starvation mode.

A:So, what do you think I should do?

B:You should make sure to eat at least three meals a day. And, you make sure to eat a balanced diet—dairy, fruit, vegetables, meat or fish, and carbohy drates, like bread and pasta.

A:But I heard that if you just eat fruits and vegetables, you would lose weight quickly.

B:You might at first, but then you’ll get hungry and tired and you won’t be able to do much.

A:Maybe you’re right. I have been hungry and tired--and grumpy lately?

grumpy 网络解释

1. 脾气暴躁:groggy 酒醉 | grumpy 脾气暴躁 | guilty 内疚

2. 脾气坏的:grumpily 性情乖戾地 | grumpy 脾气坏的 | grundy mrs. 心胸狭窄

3. 怨气丛生:These are miserable days when you feel lousy, 那些日子真是惨透了,你觉得心里乱糟糟的 | grumpy, 怨气丛生 | lonely, 寂寞

grumpy 词典解释

1. 脾气坏的;郁郁寡欢的
    If you say that someone is grumpy, you mean that they are bad-tempered and miserable.

    e.g. Some folk think I'm a grumpy old man.

'I know, I know,' said Ken, grumpily, without looking up.
grumpy 单语例句

1. I know that might surprise you, considering that I sound like a grumpy old codger.

2. " Dick Cheney and Zell Miller looked like angry and grumpy old men, " he said.

3. Plots are also asked to record any emotional symptoms of fatigue such as being irritable, grumpy or withdrawn.


4. Harrison can currently be seen playing grumpy news anchor Mike Pomeroy in new film'Morning Glory'alongside Rachel McAdams.

5. Put a fake smile on if you have to, because a grumpy host won't do any good.

6. Londoners stayed grumpy the longest, with 19% maintaining a bad mood for two to four hours.

7. You're a bit grumpy or down today, but you shouldn't read too much into it.

8. He is a bit of a grumpy old man in the stable, but a true professional in competition.

9. Grumpy Old Men meets Apollo 13 - sounds a bit naff doesn't it?

grumpy 英英释义



1. annoyed and irritable

    Synonym: crabbed crabby cross fussy grouchy bad-tempered ill-tempered
