
picky [ˈpɪki]  [ˈpɪki] 

picky 基本解释



picky 相关例句



1. She is picky about what she eats because she is on a diet.

picky 网络解释

1. 吹毛求疵的, 好挑剔的, 过分讲究的:Djakartan 雅加达人 | picky 吹毛求疵的, 好挑剔的, 过分讲究的 | general involucre 总苞

2. 挑剔的:Pickwickian 匹克威克的 | picky 挑剔的 | picnic 野餐

3. 那就去你的 哦 亲爱的:Hello, darling.|你好 亲爱的 | Sod you, then! Oh, dear. Picky, picky, picky.|那就去你的 哦 亲爱的 | You're late. I know. It's all her fault.|你迟到了 你知道 全是她的错

4. 挑剔:Make a commitment 承诺 commitment 许诺 | Picky 挑剔 | Siblings 兄弟,或姐妹

picky 词典解释

1. 爱挑剔的;过分讲究的
    Someone who is picky is difficult to please and only likes a small range of things.

    e.g. Some people are very picky about who they choose to share their lives with...
    e.g. Everyone knows children are picky eaters.

picky 单语例句

1. The bacteria are not picky eaters and have adapted to feasting on wood, cardboard or plastic if food waste isn't available.

2. picky的意思

2. But the job can be as picky just as some stars seeking a perfect cosmetician.

3. I am not a particularly picky eater, nor am I particularly adventurous.

4. To establish an edgy style, she has been picky in choosing the script for their inaugural film.

5. Television programs that routinely pigeonhole Shanghai's men as selfish and effeminate and its women as shrewd and picky serve to reinforce Sheng's claim.

6. Some are nice and easy going, but some can be picky and have strong opinions about their appearance.

7. Most simply haven't met " the right man " because they are busy with work, have a small social group and are picky.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. The matchmaker would label you as " too picky " and delete you from her database.

9. Bird park staff said Biao Biao had been picky about choosing a mate and had refused many female birds in previous months.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. Taste, quality and supply are delicate issues for an industry whose aficionados are notoriously picky.

picky 英英释义



1. exacting especially about details

    e.g. a finicky eater
           fussy about clothes
           very particular about how her food was prepared

    Synonym: finical finicky fussy particular
