
backbone [ˈbækbəʊn]  [ˈbækboʊn] 


backbone 基本解释

名词支柱; 脊梁骨,脊椎; 分水岭; 决心,毅力

backbone 相关词组


1. to the backbone : 彻底地;

backbone 相关例句



1. Standing up to bullies takes plenty of backbone.

2. The older employees are the backbone of the industry.

3. He is a man of backbone.

4. Agriculture used to be the economic backbone of this country.

5. He lacks backbone.

backbone 网络解释


1. 脊骨:这样信息整合是医疗卫生应用的关键因素,随着绝大多数医学应用是由巨大的异构多样性和必须共享数据的、独立医疗卫生制度(institutions )所决定的. 医学程序的连续性必须要改善,并且医学路径将扮演重要的角色,作为在公共机构中和跨越制度边界的整合脊骨(backbone).

2. 主干网络:广域主干网络系统的主要作用是提供ISP国内主干网络(Backbone)互连,即与其他城市ISP网络中心的互连通道和连接国际出口,设备要求可靠性高、速度高和具有良好的扩展能力,便于满足上网用户快速增长的对广主干网络的带宽需求.

backbone 词典解释

1. 脊柱
    Your backbone is the column of small linked bones down the middle of your back.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 中坚力量;骨干;支柱
    The backbone of an organization or system is the part of it that gives it its main strength.

    e.g. The small business people of Britain are the economic backbone of the nation.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. 骨气;勇气
    If you say that someone has no backbone, you think they do not have the courage to do things which need to be done.

    e.g. You might be taking drastic measures and you've got to have the backbone to do that.

backbone 单语例句

1. Many of these students have already become the backbone force to carry on the cultural exchange and the business intercourse with China.

2. backbone

2. The PLA's reserve force is a force with its preset organizational structure, with the reserve personnel as the base and active personnel as the backbone.

3. The tannic backbone was strong yet silky, suggesting this wine needed at least a decade of cellaring.

4. Dyestuff and coating materials are the backbone products in the refined chemical industry of Hebei Province.

5. " Seoul still remains the backbone of politics and administrative functions, " the court said in a statement.

6. backbone的反义词

6. It took Fujian as its backbone and was an important part of the costal economic belt in the country.


7. The attendees are either departmental heads or the backbone staff of the organization.

8. Wuttke described SMEs as " a powerhouse of innovation " and " the backbone " of a dynamic economy.

9. Reverence for one's teachers and the importance of education were the backbone of Confucianism.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

10. More than 30 years of development has made regional aviation in the US and Europe the backbone of their air transportation systems.

backbone 英英释义


1. backbone的近义词

1. the part of a network that connects other networks together

    e.g. the backbone is the part of a communication network that carries the heaviest traffic

2. the part of a book's cover that encloses the inner side of the book's pages and that faces outward when the book is shelved

    e.g. the title and author were printed on the spine of the book

    Synonym: spine

3. fortitude and determination

    e.g. he didn't have the guts to try it

    Synonym: grit guts moxie sand gumption

4. backbone在线翻译

4. the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord

    e.g. the fall broke his back

    Synonym: spinal column vertebral column spine back rachis

5. backbone的解释

5. a central cohesive source of support and stability

    e.g. faith is his anchor
           the keystone of campaign reform was the ban on soft money
           he is the linchpin of this firm

    Synonym: anchor mainstay keystone linchpin lynchpin
