
linchpin [ˈlɪntʃpɪn]  [ˈlɪntʃˌpɪn] 


linchpin 基本解释


linchpin 网络解释

1. 制轮楔:linatron 利纳特朗波导加速器 | linchpin 制轮楔 | linchpin 车辖

2. 车轴销:车轴投影面积vehiclearea | 车轴销linchpin | 车轴小齿轮axlepinion

3. 车轴销;制轮楔;关键;枢纽:linage-counter 行计数器 | linchpin 车轴销;制轮楔;关键;枢纽 | lincoln weld 焊剂层下自动焊

linchpin 词典解释

1. 关键;关键性人物(或事物)
    If you refer to a person or thing as the linchpin of something, you mean that they are the most important person or thing involved in it.

    e.g. He's the lynchpin of our team and crucial to my long-term plans.

linchpin 单语例句

1. He was a linchpin of Pakistan's 1992 World Cup win in Australia and ranks as the only cricketer to feature in six World Cups.

2. Israel's Water and Energy Minister Uzi Landau has made switching over from Egyptian gas a linchpin of the country's energy development policy.


3. He said maintaining economic growth would be the linchpin of COPE's program.

4. The linchpin lies in whether the American collective elite is willing to drop its old belief that China is a threat.

5. linchpin在线翻译

5. Environmental groups are reassessing their willingness to see nuclear power as a linchpin of any future climate change legislation.

6. Effective action against those militant groups is seen by the US as a linchpin of its war strategy.

7. linchpin

7. He will act as the linchpin between the SAR government, the council and the industry in formulating development strategies.

8. linchpin

8. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the rare attack on tourists, who are the linchpin of the archipelago's $ 1 billion economy.

linchpin 英英释义



1. pin inserted through an axletree to hold a wheel on

    Synonym: lynchpin

2. linchpin什么意思

2. a central cohesive source of support and stability

    e.g. faith is his anchor
           the keystone of campaign reform was the ban on soft money
           he is the linchpin of this firm

    Synonym: anchor mainstay keystone backbone lynchpin
