
gumption [ˈgʌmpʃn]  [ˈɡʌmpʃən] 

gumption 基本解释

名词进取精神; <口>机智; 足智多谋; 常识

gumption 相关例句


1. With his gumption he will make a success of himself.

2. It takes gumption to quit a good paying job.

gumption 网络解释


1. 进取心:gummy 胶粘的 | gumption 进取心 | gumptious 精明的

2. 元气:gumption 气概 | gumption 元气 | gumption 才力

3. 气概:gummymucilaginousmucouspitchysticking 粘的 | gumption 气概 | gumption 元气

4. 才力:gumption 元气 | gumption 才力 | gumptious 机灵的

gumption 词典解释

1. gumption的近义词

1. 机智;老练;精明
    If someone has gumption, they are able to think what it would be sensible to do in a particular situation, and they do it.

    e.g. Surely anyone with marketing gumption should be able to sell good books at any time of year.

2. 勇气;胆量;魄力
    If someone has the gumption to do something, they are brave enough to do it.

    e.g. He suspected that deep down, she admired him for having the gumption to disagree with her.

gumption 单语例句

1. But when the warlock saw only a light drizzle drip from the cavern's ceiling, he became enraged with the Dragon King's apparent lack of gumption.

2. China will need " gumption " to stick to lending curbs imposed over the past several weeks, he said.

3. gumption的近义词

3. China will need " gumption " to stick to lending curbs imposed over the past several weeks, he said at the Bloomberg Markets Hedge Fund Summit.

4. You needed gumption and a sense of humor, but there were various ways to avoid drinking altogether.

5. China has laws to curb business malpractice, but where do these multinationals get the gumption to brazenly violate them in China's market?

gumption 英英释义


1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. fortitude and determination

    e.g. he didn't have the guts to try it

    Synonym: backbone grit guts moxie sand

2. gumption的翻译

2. sound practical judgment

    e.g. Common sense is not so common
           he hasn't got the sense God gave little green apples
           fortunately she had the good sense to run away

    Synonym: common sense good sense horse sense sense mother wit
