
audition [ɔ:ˈdɪʃn]  [ɔˈdɪʃən] 






audition 基本解释


名词试听; 听力; 听觉; 试音

不及物动词试听; 试音

及物动词对…进行面试; 让…试唱

audition 网络解释

1. 听觉:A代表听觉(audition),利用助听器及音响扩大器进行听觉教学;V代表视觉(vision),聋童利用视觉观察教师脸部及口唇的动作以学习读话;K代表动觉(kinesthesis),聋童利用触觉、运动觉,触摸教师的面颊,口部及喉部,觉察发音时面部肌肉和喉头肌振动情况,

2. 试镜:芳龄78的芭芭拉华特斯上欧普拉的脱口秀节目宣传回忆录<<试镜>>(Audition)时,揭露自己在1970年代曾与共和党籍联邦参议员布鲁克有过一段长达五年的婚外恋.

audition 词典解释

1. (艺人等的)试镜,试演,试唱,试奏
    An audition is a short performance given by an actor, dancer, or musician so that a director or conductor can decide if they are good enough to be in a play, film, or orchestra.

2. 试镜;让…试演(或试唱、试音)
    If you audition or if someone auditions you, you do an audition.

    e.g. I was auditioning for the part of a jealous girlfriend...
    e.g. They're auditioning for new members of the cast for 'Miss Saigon' today...

audition 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. I turned up to the Happy Boy audition dressed like I'd been outfitted by Chen Fei.

2. audition

2. Its most popular products include dancing games Audition and Super Dancer Online.

3. The star adds that her pet peeve is'ordinary people'and that she did not go the reunion because she'had an audition'.

4. He's been a clown for 15 years in smaller circuses but was hoping to make it into the big time at the audition.

5. Once a girl who lived with her said she met someone who called himself a commercial director and wanted to offer her an audition.

6. audition的近义词

6. I once used henna to dye my hair brown for an audition thinking I was being clever as it's natural.

7. Kelly says it was inspiring seeing all the girls audition in New York and knows whoever wins the contract is extremely lucky.

8. The DVD will include two documentaries on preparations for the planned comeback tour, features on the audition process and a Jackson memories feature.

9. With audition episodes featuring the judges set to begin filming in September, the pressure is on to announce the panel.

10. The sociology major who started to learn dance at the age of four won the audition and became a professional dancer.

audition 英英释义


1. a test of the suitability of a performer

    Synonym: tryout

2. the ability to hear
    the auditory faculty

    e.g. his hearing was impaired

    Synonym: hearing auditory sense sense of hearing auditory modality


1. perform in order to get a role

    e.g. She auditioned for a role on Broadway

    Synonym: try out
