try out

try out [trai aut]  [traɪ aʊt] 

try out 基本解释

try out的翻译

试行; 试用,试验; 选拔

try out 情景对话

try out在线翻译

Making a list-(购物清单)

B:Let’s try to get out of the supemp3arket quickly.

A:Yeah. I hate spending all day in there, too.

B:What do we need? Let’s make a list.
      我们需要什么? 列一张单据吧。

A:We need milk, eggs, butter, coffee, vegetables, fruit, bread, cheese, and some snacks.

B:I want some pickles, oh, and we’re out of flour. Put that on the list, too.

A:Anything else?

B:Not that I can think of. Wait a second, we’re out of breakfast cereal. I think corn flakes are on sale. Get those.

A:No, you get those. I’ll go and get the fruits, vegetables, milk, butter, and eggs, you get the rest.

try out 网络解释

1. 试用:说明:虽然可以使用现有的、有用的测验调整指导措施,来直接对测验进行调整,但这些指导并不能完全代替试用(try out)调整过的测验. 虽然这些试用的样本很少,不足以产生常模资料,但它们在检查调整的机制上则很有价值. 不过,在多数情况下,

2. 试验:wood n. 木;木材 | try out 试验 | pond n. 池塘

3. 试用,试验:try/do one's best 尽力,努力 | try out 试用,试验 | turn down 拒绝;关小,调低

4. (彻底)试验:try on 试穿;试用;试验 | try out (彻底)试验 | tune in 收听;调谐

try out 词典解释

1. 试验;测验
    If you try something out, you test it in order to find out how useful or effective it is or what it is like.

    e.g. She knew I wanted to try the boat out at the weekend...
    e.g. London Transport hopes to try out the system in September.
           伦敦交通系统有望在 9 月份对该系统进行试运营。

try out 单语例句

1. MLS spokesman Stephen Rodriguez said Galaxy general manager Alexi Lalas and coach Frank Yallop could try to buy out the remainder of Beckham's Real contract.

2. In fact we always try to be constructive and act out of good intentions.

3. Opposition will send teams out to frustrate us and try and capitalize on areas where they feel they can take advantage.

4. Try out its exclusive specialties, the Fei Teng fish and spicy yellow catfish.


5. Although only 500 free tickets were available, thousands of citizens queued up for hours for a chance to try it out.

6. Campus officials said they won't try to yank protesters out of the trees, but made it clear they've run out of patience.

7. She would have closed out the match quicker if not for the urge to try extravagant winners instead of more routine shots.

8. Also, don't try to " out neutral " your clothes.

9. The two men said they lit diesel oil to try to keep out the cold weather.

10. I just have to go out there and try to do the same thing and come out with a win.

try out 英英释义


1. take a sample of

    e.g. Try these new crackers
           Sample the regional dishes

    Synonym: sample try taste

2. perform in order to get a role

    e.g. She auditioned for a role on Broadway

    Synonym: audition

3. put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to

    e.g. This approach has been tried with good results
           Test this recipe

    Synonym: test prove try examine essay

4. try something new, as in order to gain experience

    e.g. Students experiment sexually
           The composer experimented with a new style

    Synonym: experiment
