
hearing [ˈhɪərɪŋ]  [ˈhɪrɪŋ] 



hearing 基本解释

名词听力,听觉; 审问; 听力所及的距离,听得见的范围; 听证会,〈美〉意见听取会

动词听到,听见( hear的现在分词)

hearing 相关例句


1. The old man's hearing is poor.

2. At first hearing I didn't like the music.

3. The teacher gave both sides of the argument a fair hearing.

4. At the hearing of the news, he became happy.

5. His hearing is very sharp.

hearing 网络解释


1. 听力:如果大量饮酒,那么平衡能力(balance)、语言能力(speech)、视力(vision)、反应时间(reaction time)和听力(hearing)都将受到影响. 发现危险(danger detection)变得困难. 判断能力、自制力(self-control)、分析能力(reasoning)与记忆力(memory)都会受到不良影响.

hearing 词典解释

1. 听觉;听力
    A person's or animal's hearing is the sense which makes it possible for them to be aware of sounds.

    e.g. His mind still seemed clear and his hearing was excellent.

2. 听证会;听审;聆讯
    A hearing is an official meeting which is held in order to collect facts about an incident or problem.

    e.g. The judge adjourned the hearing until next Tuesday.

3. see also: hard of hearing

4. 发表意见的机会
    If someone gives you a fair hearing or a hearing, they listen to you when you give your opinion about something.

    e.g. Weber gave a fair hearing to anyone who held a different opinion.

5. hearing什么意思

5. 在…听力所及的范围内
    If someone says something in your hearing or within your hearing, you can hear what they say because they are with you or near you.

    e.g. No one spoke disparagingly of her father in her hearing.

hearing 单语例句

1. The television icon and once a successful cosmetics businesswoman said she was deeply moved after hearing the great stories of humanity about the medical center.

2. Bryant said he was considering signing with the Clippers and Chicago Bulls three years ago before hearing from Buss.

3. My gut reaction upon hearing of garlic's rise was to get off my butt and go buy as much as I could.

4. He left the FA's Soho Square headquarters by the rear exit following his hearing and did not make any comment.

5. The Lakers star requested an immediate appeal hearing but that was denied by the league, forcing Bryant to miss the contest at Madison Square Garden.

6. An official from the Foreign Ministry hung up Xinhua's call after hearing the confirmation question.

7. During a short status hearing in federal court in Denver Bryant's attorney Pamela Mackey said the defense planned to call up to 125 witnesses.

8. No date for the hearing has yet been set, but the Serie A campaign gets underway on August 27.

9. The Guardian newspaper at the time reported how Aberdeen was branded at the London hearing as " the unacceptable face of capitalism ".

10. The cavernous hearing room on Capitol Hill was filled for a third straight day, and tourists waited in line outside for their few moments to witness history.

hearing 英英释义



1. hearing的近义词

1. the act of hearing attentively

    e.g. you can learn a lot by just listening
           they make good music--you should give them a hearing

    Synonym: listening

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. (law) a proceeding (usually by a court) where evidence is taken for the purpose of determining an issue of fact and reaching a decision based on that evidence

3. the ability to hear
    the auditory faculty

    e.g. his hearing was impaired

    Synonym: audition auditory sense sense of hearing auditory modality

4. a session (of a committee or grand jury) in which witnesses are called and testimony is taken

    e.g. the investigative committee will hold hearings in Chicago

5. the range within which a voice can be heard

    e.g. the children were told to stay within earshot

    Synonym: earshot earreach

6. hearing

6. an opportunity to state your case and be heard

    e.g. they condemned him without a hearing
           he saw that he had lost his audience

    Synonym: audience
