
vexed [vekst]  [vɛkst] 






vexed 基本解释

形容词烦恼的; 争论不休的; (指问题等)棘手的; 争论不休的问题

动词使烦恼( vex的过去式和过去分词 ); 使苦恼; 使生气; 详细讨论

vexed 网络解释


1. 为难的:vexed question 难题 | vexed 为难的 | vexedly 着急地

2. 生气:Vicked:被抢. | Vexed:生气. | Vinyl:黑胶唱片.

3. 争论不休的:vexatiouswrought-up 着急的 | vexed 争论不休的 | vexedly 着急地

4. 煩死:439 搞砸了 mess up 0 254000 | 441 煩死 vexed 0 682000 | 442 煩惱 care; besetment 0 10300000

vexed 词典解释

1. 令人烦恼的;伤脑筋的;棘手的
    A vexed problem or question is very difficult and causes people a lot of trouble.

    e.g. Ministers have begun work on the vexed issue of economic union...
    e.g. Later Mr Moi raised the vexed question of refugees.

vexed 单语例句

1. Women were more vexed than men by expensive hotel room snacks, insufficient bedding in hotels and aggressive rental car company staff trying to sell them upgrades.

2. Several loud explosions boomed over the city just as the vexed looking delegates were getting into their cars and sporadic shooting was also heard.

3. Mother doesn't want to attend the funeral as she is vexed with her siblings'quarrels.

4. President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo's government has been plagued by coup rumors and vexed by an opposition that disputes the recent election.

5. The dispute is the latest chapter in labor unrest that has vexed American professional sports.

vexed 英英释义


1. causing difficulty in finding an answer or solution
    much disputed

    e.g. the vexed issue of priorities
           we live in vexed and troubled times

2. vexed的翻译

2. troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances

    e.g. harassed working mothers
           a harried expression
           her poor pestered father had to endure her constant interruptions
           the vexed parents of an unruly teenager

    Synonym: annoyed harassed harried pestered
