
annoyed [əˈnɔɪd]  [əˈnɔɪd] 




annoyed 基本解释
annoyed 网络解释


1. 惹恼怒的:5. intelligent 聪明的 | 6. annoyed 惹恼怒的 | 7. gorgeous 华丽的,豪华漂亮的

2. 感到烦恼的:mixture n混合物 | annoyed感到烦恼的 | after breakfast在吃过早饭后

annoyed 单语例句

1. Many people traveling during rush hour on Wednesday said they were annoyed by the snowfall, which ended at about noon.

2. annoyed的意思

2. Tam pointed out that the public has been annoyed with the issue for months and that he has received complaints over the ceaseless nagging.

3. We really get annoyed when foreigners try to chomp on chicken feet.

4. Parker revealed Liverpool captain Gerrard was one of the first players to offer his congratulations even though he may have been annoyed at the snub.

5. A person has the right to feel annoyed if the media and netizens dig up the details of his personal life.

6. Eleven double faults and 59 unforced errors left her annoyed, and she said there's a lot of room for improvement on clay.

7. I realized my friends were also bored and even annoyed by this dumb show.


8. The soldier was annoyed and upset when his girl wrote breaking off their engagement and asking for her photograph back.

9. Older people look bored, annoyed and clueless to the generational change staring back at them.

10. And she's also reportedly annoyed fellow residents at the Wonderland rehab Center by freely coming and going from the facility.

annoyed 英英释义


1. aroused to impatience or anger

    e.g. made an irritated gesture
           feeling nettled from the constant teasing
           peeved about being left out
           felt really pissed at her snootiness
           riled no end by his lies
           roiled by the delay

    Synonym: irritated miffed nettled peeved pissed pissed off riled roiled steamed stung

2. troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances

    e.g. harassed working mothers
           a harried expression
           her poor pestered father had to endure her constant interruptions
           the vexed parents of an unruly teenager

    Synonym: harassed harried pestered vexed
