
unrefined [ˌʌnrɪˈfaɪnd]  [ˌʌnrɪˈfaɪnd] 

unrefined 基本解释

形容词未精炼的; 俚俗

unrefined 反义词


unrefined 网络解释

1. 未精制的:unrefinablecrudeoil 不适于炼制原油 | unrefined 未精制的 | unregisteredshares 无记名股票

2. 粗俗的:unreconstructed 顽固守旧的 | unrefined 粗俗的 | unreflecting 不反射的

3. 未精链的:unreel 回卷 | unrefined 未精链的 | unreflected 无反射的

4. 未精炼的 未精制的:unpurified 未纯化的; 未精制的 | unrefined 未精炼的; 未精制的 | unrefined material 未精制材料

unrefined 词典解释

1. 未提炼过的;未精制过的
    An unrefined food or other substance is in its natural state and has not been processed.

    e.g. Unrefined carbohydrates include brown rice and other grains.
    e.g. ...the price of unrefined oil as it comes out of the ground.

unrefined 单语例句

1. Because there is little market in Mexico for unrefined oil products stolen from some pipelines, the thieves often sell the oil products to US refineries.

unrefined 英英释义



1. (used of persons and their behavior) not refined

    e.g. how can a refined girl be drawn to such an unrefined man?

2. unrefined的近义词

2. not refined or processed

    e.g. unrefined ore
           crude oil

    Synonym: unprocessed crude
