
refined [rɪˈfaɪnd]  [rɪˈfaɪnd]




refined 基本解释

形容词精制的; 精炼的; 经过改良的; 举止优雅的

动词精制; 精炼( refine的过去式和过去分词); 使纯净; 使文雅高尚

refined 同义词


refined 反义词

形容词unrefined vulgar

refined 相关例句


1. She has a refined way of speaking.

refined 情景对话



B:What leadership qualities did you develop as an administrative personnel?

A:I feel that learning how to motivate people and to work together as a team will be the major goal of my leadership./I have refined my management style by using an open-door policy.

B:How do you normally handle criticism?

A:Silence is golden. Just don't say anything; otherwise the situation could become worse. I do, however, accept constructive criticism. /When we cool off, we will discuss it later.

refined 网络解释


1. 精练:橄榄油有冷榨(Cold Pressed)和精练(Refined)两种加工工艺. 冷榨法也就是将油橄榄果通过物理机械直接压榨出,同一些家庭用果汁压榨器榨果汁的原理一样,通过这种方法提取的橄榄油,天然纯正,营养没有受到任何破坏;精炼法采用化学工艺综合炼油的,

2. 精炼过的:橄榄油的等级很大程度上是根据提炼方式划分的. 最高级的橄榄油只经过一次的冷压,而那些'精炼'过的(refined)通常是品质较次的,通常通过加热、使用化学剂、漂白等工序.

3. 文雅,高尚,精确的:refine 使文雅,精美,使纯,改进 | refined 文雅,高尚,精确的 | reflect 反映,照出; 考虑,思考

4. 文雅,精确的:refine 使精美,使文雅 | refined 文雅,精确的 | affluence 丰富,富裕

refined 词典解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 精炼的;去杂质的;提纯的
    A refined substance has been made pure by having other substances removed from it.

    e.g. ...refined sugar.

2. refined什么意思

2. (人)有礼貌的,有教养的,彬彬有礼的,有品位的
    If you say that someone is refined, you mean that they are very polite and have good manners and good taste.

    e.g. ...refined and well-dressed ladies...
    e.g. His speech and manner are refined.

3. 经过完善的;经过提升的
    If you describe a machine or a process as refined, you mean that it has been carefully developed and is therefore very efficient or elegant.

    e.g. ...a more refined engine...
    e.g. This technique is becoming more refined and more acceptable all the time.

refined 单语例句

1. refined是什么意思

1. The four refined oil reserves will have a total capacity of 8 million tons, said Wang.

2. Nigerians often tap into pipelines carrying refined fuel, scooping up the raw product in buckets or plastic bags.

3. To offer the character so typical of the brand also with a diesel, the only option was to give the car a powerful and refined turbo diesel engine.

4. Chen said the exchange will launch trading in other petroleum and chemical products in the future including crude and refined oil and liquefied gas.

5. Dyestuff and coating materials are the backbone products in the refined chemical industry of Hebei Province.

6. Soaring oil prices have squeezed the profit margins of Chinese oil companies as domestic refined oil prices are controlled by the government.

7. refined的解释

7. In addition to crude oil, its pipeline serves the Pearl River Delta area with refined products.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

8. The government has also pledged to steadily push for the opening of circulation of major commodities such as refined oil.

9. The Shenhua Group has launched a coal liquefaction project which is expected to produce five million tons of refined oil annually by 2005.

10. His talent is too great, his ability to perfectly balance his McLaren on the edge of adhesion too refined.
