
trunks [trʌnks]  [trʌnks] 



trunks 基本解释


名词衣箱; 树干( trunk的名词复数 ); 象鼻

trunks 网络解释


1. 中继线:trunkmaker 制皮箱的人 | trunks 中继线 | trunnel 大木钉

2. 運動短褲:trunk hose 短裤 | trunks 运动短裤 | trypsin 胰朊酶

3. 运动裤:trunkliner 干线客机 | trunks 运动裤 | trunnion tip wagon 耳轴式自卸车

trunks 单语例句

1. Their trunks and branches buttress a leafy ceiling bejeweled with clumps of red coffee berries.

2. Camphor wood is known for its insect repellant properties, and its wood has been used traditionally in China for dowry and linen trunks.

3. Many elaborately carved antique trunks were either made from camphor or lined with camphor.

4. He said he was rolled and tossed among boulders and tree trunks that were swept down the adjacent mountainside.

5. As the years go by and thanks to the coolness of surfing, swimming shorts or trunks are becoming more popular in China.

6. trunks

6. I wore trunks and bathed in the biggest pool, but my friend was more adventurous and stripped down to his birthday suit.

7. trunks的近义词

7. They're reaching into Thong Dee's pen to try to touch the little elephant with their trunks.

8. Their main trunks lean close to the cliffs, but all the branches reach toward the valley filled with drifting mists.

9. The neck is adorned with two elephant heads whose trunks double as handles, and the body has four openwork roundels.

10. The Guangzhou Public Transport Group has installed infrared detectors on 100 taxi trunks to remind forgetful passengers that they have luggage.

trunks 英英释义


1. trousers that end at or above the knee

    Synonym: short pants shorts
