short pants

short pants[ʃɔ:t pænts] 

short pants 基本解释
short pants 网络解释

1. 短裤:所以在要求舒适自然的前提下,在造型上比较注意男士羽绒服新款与形体的协调. 裁剪时放松量适中,给人以平和稳重的感觉. 西裤在生产工艺及造型上基本已国际化和规范化. 西短裤(short pants)与西裤的工艺基本相同,长度在膝盖以上不等.

2. 西短裤:西裤 trousers | 西短裤 short pants | 中式裤 Chinese style slack

short pants 单语例句

1. Cuffs look better if you're tall, while cuffless pants help elongate a short frame.

2. short pants

2. How about a sexy, young Santa with hot rippling muscles and short pants?

3. short pants在线翻译

3. It's easier to imagine Santa Claus or Genghis Khan in short pants.

4. The remaining respondents said their office environments were more flexible, although they would not wear short pants.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. Wearing a vest and short pants, he held a brick in his right hand.

short pants 英英释义


1. trousers that end at or above the knee

    Synonym: shorts trunks
