
tails [teɪlz]  [teɪlz] 









tails 基本解释

名词尾部; (非正式)燕尾服; 男子夜礼服; 钱币背面; 硬币的背面; 尾( tail的名词复数 ); 燕尾服; 尾随者

tails 网络解释


1. 尾巴:他的名字来自英文的每小时几英哩(miles per hour),通称为塔尔斯,因为它有两条尾巴(tails). 虽然只有八岁,可是却有著天才的头脑,在机械方面特别有天份. 在第三季中,与波斯菊(Cosmo)发生过一段没有结果的恋情. 自称为音速小子的女朋友,

2. 尾矿:tailings pond 尾煤沉淀池 | tails 尾矿 | take off the gangue 清理矸石

3. 燕尾服:手工 tailorship | 燕尾服 tails | 停机竖杆 take-off vertical lever

tails 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Adult Francois leaf monkeys have long limbs that can reach 60 cm while their tails can reach up to 86 cm.

2. A jazz hour on the dial was met with resistance as none of us could make head or tails out of this " strange " music.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. But hot on their tails is Team Sweden, followed by Great Britain and Canada.

4. Coat tails refer to the tails or flaps of a tailcoat or greatcoat.

5. tails什么意思

5. However, those who don't read Chinese might have trouble making heads or tails of the displays.

6. Jonathan Fenby's latest book Tiger Head Snake Tails is his sixth with a China theme.

7. Within a darkened installation space, a group of autonomous but sociable robotic sculptures perform a " dance " with their illuminated tails.

8. tails

8. It is also said that male sheep with tails curved in a circle are better.

9. Visitors can hop aboard a bamboo toboggan and whoosh down the declivity, spraying rooster tails of dust behind them.

10. Make a small slit in the middle and tuck the prawn tails through.

tails 英英释义


1. formalwear consisting of full evening dress for men

    Synonym: dress suit full dress tailcoat tail coat white tie white tie and tails
