
surmount [səˈmaʊnt]  [sərˈmaʊnt] 







surmount 基本解释

及物动词战胜,克服; 登上,攀登; 居于…之上; 顶上覆盖着

surmount 相关例句



1. I think most of these obstacles can be surmounted.

2. The column is surmounted by a statue.

surmount 网络解释


1. 克服,打破:surgical unit 手术仪器 | surmount 克服,打破 | survey line 观测线

2. 克服,胜过:surmise 臆测,猜度 | surmount 克服,胜过 | surname 姓

3. 战胜:surmise 猜测 | surmount 战胜 | surmountable 可战胜的

4. 顶上覆盖,越过:surge 纵荡 | surmount 顶上覆盖,越过 | swage plate 压筋板

surmount 词典解释

1. 克服;解决
    If you surmount a problem or difficulty, you deal successfully with it.

    e.g. I realized I had to surmount the language barrier.

2. 处于…上面;置于…顶端
    If something is surmounted by a particular thing, that thing is on top of it.

    e.g. The island is surmounted by a huge black castle.

surmount 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. The Beijing think tank said its plan would help surmount the current protocol's shortcomings, including its " narrow coverage and lack of incentives for developing countries ".

2. Given the country's vast geographic dimension and diversified culture, communication between different regions often has to surmount many linguistic obstacles.

3. surmount的意思

3. Some nations have managed to surmount this stumbling block to embark on the road of sustainable development.

4. Promoting putonghua is needed to surmount the obstacles that arise during communication.

5. However, foreign outdoor brands need to surmount many hurdles before they can win Chinese customers over.

6. Meanwhile, the Government has established exchange platform with educational and research institutions to surmount technological difficulties.

7. In addition, the two companies have to surmount several obstacles ahead of their marriage.

8. Clinton said he wants Obama to assure the people that America will surmount this problem.

9. surmount

9. The president stressed that he was deeply convinced that the EU can surmount this crisis.

10. Any avenue of government rescue must surmount political obstacles and take into account the potential fallout on financial markets in a time of recession.

surmount 英英释义



1. be or do something to a greater degree

    e.g. her performance surpasses that of any other student I know
           She outdoes all other athletes
           This exceeds all my expectations
           This car outperforms all others in its class

    Synonym: surpass outstrip outmatch outgo exceed outdo outperform

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. get on top of
    deal with successfully

    e.g. He overcame his shyness

    Synonym: overcome get over subdue master

3. surmount的意思

3. reach the highest point of

    e.g. We scaled the Mont Blanc

    Synonym: scale

4. surmount的解释

4. be on top of

    e.g. The scarf surmounted the gown
