get over

get over [ɡet ˈəuvə]  [ɡɛt ˈovɚ] 

get over 基本解释

克服; (使)渡过; 走完; 传送

get over 相关例句


1. She can't get over her shyness.

2. I'm glad to get my operation over.

3. He'll get over the shock.

get over 情景对话

get over什么意思


A:Well, it’s not as crowded as we expected, isn’t it?

B:No, but it will be soon. Look, there’re two empty seats over there. Let’s get them before somebody else does.

A:Yes, let’s!

B:Now let’s make ourselves comfortable since we’ve got quite a long way to go.

A:That’s a good idea.

get over 网络解释

1. 克服:正经一点.一般而言,原始码只需要做一些局部的修改(minor changes),就可以克服(get over)Linux 100%与POSIX相容的特质(compliance).如果你做了任何的修改,而将此部份传回(passing back)给原作者,

2. 克服;(从病中)恢复过来:get out of逃避,改掉 | get over克服;(从病中)恢复过来 | get somewhere有些;结果

3. 克服(困难等):get out 离去;(消息等)泄漏 | get over 克服(困难等) | get ready (使)准备好

4. 克服(困难等从(疾病、失望、震惊等)中恢复过来:get on with与......友好相处;继续干 | get over克服(困难等从(疾病、失望、震惊等)中恢复过来 | get rid of处理掉;摆脱

get over 词典解释

1. get over

1. 从(不快或疾病中)恢复过来
    If you get over an unpleasant or unhappy experience or an illness, you recover from it.

    e.g. It took me a very long time to get over the shock of her death.

2. 克服,战胜(问题、困难)
    If you get over a problem or difficulty, you overcome it.

    e.g. How would they get over that problem, he wondered?

3. (向…)讲清;使明白
    If you get your message over to people, they hear and understand it.

    e.g. We have got to get the message over to the young that smoking isn't cool.

get over 单语例句

1. get over是什么意思

1. " To get the business licence in the end took over a month, " said the restaurant owner.

2. get over

2. VIP card is issued to those who buy things over RMB 2000, but it's hard to get as items there are not expensive.

3. get over

3. The rural woman was astonished by the spectacular view but could not get over the shock of being on such a tall structure.

4. A good caddie can help a golfer get over the hump and win tournaments.

5. The move was calculated to win over enough dissenting House members to get the bill through and reverse Monday's stunning defeat in the House.

6. Economics teaches us that when there is huge uncertainty over about catastrophic risks, it is dangerous to rely too much on the price mechanism to get incentives right.


7. It's tradition for high school classmates to get together during the Spring Festival over a big dinner or party to catch up with old friends.

8. The chancellor said she hoped these talks could get under way next month when Portugal takes over the rotating EU presidency from Germany.

9. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

9. But lawyers warned that the case could get bogged down for months in a fight over classified documents underpinning the criminal charges.

10. A property management company in Chongqing has posted ads for security guards, saying those over 170 cm in height will get higher pay.

get over 英英释义


1. get over什么意思

1. improve in health

    e.g. He got well fast

    Synonym: get well bounce back

2. get on top of
    deal with successfully

    e.g. He overcame his shyness

    Synonym: overcome subdue surmount master

3. to bring (a necessary but unpleasant task) to an end

    e.g. Let's get this job over with
           It's a question of getting over an unpleasant task

4. get over在线翻译

4. travel across or pass over

    e.g. The caravan covered almost 100 miles each day

    Synonym: traverse track cover cross pass over get across cut through cut across
