



superlatives 基本解释
<语>最高级( superlative的名词复数 );最高级形容词或副词;
superlatives 网络解释

1. 最高级:AgreementandDisagreement赞同和不赞同 | 6Superlatives最高级 | DescribingPeople,Places,描述人、地点和

2. 语法最高级:What are you going to do this weekend? 这个周末你会做什么? | Superlatives 语法最高级 | Minshu: How was your shopping trip Martin? Minshu: Martin你的购物旅程进行的怎么样?

superlatives 单语例句

1. The circumstances of their visits are as varied as the countries from which they hail, so China Daily has selected seven whose journeys can be categorized with superlatives.

2. The relay created several superlatives - the longest relay route, the largest coverage and the most participants ever in Olympic history.

3. The length and depth of the slump leave even the most experienced economists at a loss for superlatives.

4. They had only superlatives to describe the area's natural energy resources.

5. People should think clearly when dealing with symbols, be they money or superlatives.

6. superlatives

6. When he returned from hip surgery it was a season of superlatives.
