
superlative [suˈpɜ:lətɪv]  [su:ˈpɜ:rlətɪv] 


superlative 基本解释


形容词最高级的; 最高的; 过度的

名词最高级; 最好的人; 最高程度

superlative 相关例句


1. She is a versatile and superlative actress.


1. She described the place with a string of superlatives.

2. His talk is full of superlatives.

superlative 网络解释


1. 最高级:今日新上线的英文动画文法[形容词]系列之形容词原级的用法.这个粉重要哦!形容词可以表达修饰的等级可分为原级 (positive)、比较级 (comparative) 与最高级 (superlative). 请大家下载本篇来学一下罗!

2. 最高,无上的:superior 较高,较好的 | superlative 最高,无上的 | supernal 天上,神圣的

3. 最高的:superiorly 卓越地 | superlative 最高的 | superlatively 最高地

4. 最高级的:无屈折变化的 uninflected | 最高级的 superlative | 给下定义 define

superlative 词典解释

1. 极佳的;最优秀的;卓越的
    If you describe something as superlative, you mean that it is extremely good.

    e.g. Some superlative wines are made in this region...
    e.g. The Regent hotel has a superlative view of Hong Kong island.

The Philharmonia played this staggeringly difficult music superlatively well.

2. 最高级别;最佳
    If someone uses superlatives to describe something, they use adjectives and expressions which indicate that it is extremely good.

    e.g. ...a spectacle which has critics world-wide reaching for superlatives.

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3. (形容词或副词)最高级的
    In grammar, the superlative form of an adjective or adverb is the form that indicates that something has more of a quality than anything else in a group. For example, 'biggest' is the superlative form of 'big'.

superlative 单语例句


1. The western side of Jade Emperor Peak is a superlative vantage point for watching the setting sun sinking into the cloud swath below.

2. superlative的翻译

2. As a result of its superlative craftsmanship, interior painting has been praised as a peculiar and magnificent treasure for collectors.

3. Competitors and friends jumped in with superlative praise and sad recognition of the loss of a key voice during a historic presidential election year.

4. Ma Shijin won first prize in the drivers'contest for his superlative economic use of fuel.

5. His latest collection was a superlative display of technique and skill, a modernist romantic reverie that had his whole audience entranced.

6. All of the Olympic contracted hotels are expected to be grade A, assuring superlative standards of food quality and safety.

7. Often educators adopt rewards programs intended to recognize superlative efforts by students.

8. Hence we ponder how these two nations could add the superlative " Great " to their nations?

superlative 英英释义



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1. the superlative form of an adjective or adverb

    e.g. `fastest' is the superlative of the adjective `fast'
           `least famous' is the superlative degree of the adjective `famous'
           `most surely' is the superlative of the adverb `surely'

    Synonym: superlative degree

2. an exaggerated expression (usually of praise)

    e.g. the critics lavished superlatives on it

3. the highest level or degree attainable
    the highest stage of development

    e.g. his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty
           the artist's gifts are at their acme
           at the height of her career
           the peak of perfection
           summer was at its peak
           ...catapulted Einstein to the pinnacle of fame
           the summit of his ambition
           so many highest superlatives achieved by man
           at the top of his profession

    Synonym: acme height elevation peak pinnacle summit meridian tiptop top


1. highest in quality

    Synonym: greatest sterling(a)
