
stressful [ˈstresfl]  [ˈstrɛsfəl] 

stressful 基本解释


stressful 网络解释

1. 有压力的:sole 唯一的 | stressful 有压力的 | stringent 严厉的

2. 产生压力的:80.consequent随之而来的; | 81.stressful产生压力的; | 82. instrumental器械的;

3. 充满压力的;紧张的:172.抱怨,投诉complain | 173.认为,猜想suppose | 174.充满压力的,紧张的stressful

4. 太有压力了:Because if you like them,well,that's just.|因为你一旦喜欢上他们 那就... | Stressful.|太有压力了 | Stress.|压力

stressful 词典解释

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. (状况、经历)压力大的,令人紧张的
    If a situation or experience is stressful, it causes the person involved to feel stress.

    e.g. I think I've got one of the most stressful jobs there is.

stressful 单语例句

1. Very stressful, but I was somehow able to come out on top.

2. He says he will often put aside the telephone for a moment or two in stressful situations and take two minutes to compose himself.

3. It was a stressful environment with suppliers coming up short, partners changing contractual terms and clients demanding what was hastily promised to them.

4. A guitar near his desk calms his nerves at stressful moments and helps him interact with students in the school's secret garden.

5. For salon frequenters such as Beijinger Yang Mi, getting a " dry wash " is a good way to relax after a stressful day.

6. When living in big cities, people like to go somewhere far away from the stressful environment.

7. Rats subjected to stressful stimuli in cages have certainly been found to yawn more frequently, however exactly what function their mouth gaping serves has yet to be shown.

8. " It's a lot less stressful for sure, " Bumgarner said of the lead.

9. It's a good time for you to try to slow down and avoid any stressful activities.

10. stressful

10. To make matters worse, the vanishing greenery has made our lives more stressful and less pleasant.

stressful 英英释义


1. extremely irritating to the nerves

    e.g. nerve-racking noise
           the stressful days before a war
           a trying day at the office

    Synonym: nerve-racking nerve-wracking trying
