
trying [ˈtraɪɪŋ]  [ˈtraɪɪŋ] 






trying 基本解释


形容词令人难于忍受的; 难堪的; 令人厌烦的

动词试图( try的现在分词); 试验,尝试; 审讯

trying 相关例句



1. The work is trying to the eyes.

2. It had been a most trying experience for them.

trying 情景对话



B:I’m trying to decide (what school to go to/ what to major in/ what classes to take).

A:What are you interested in?


A:Thank you for bringing me. This is great!

B:Rose, do you see? Herb and Don are over there.

A:Uh huh. I can't believe it! You're trying to set up Herb and me.

B:Let's sit with them.

A:Ms. Matchmaker, Herb and I just aren't written in the stars.

B:Who knows? Come on!

Language school-(语言学校)



A:I said, “Bonjour!”

B:What’s wrong with you, Ted?

A:I’m speaking French. Don’t you know anything?

B:What’s wrong with speaking English?

A:Well, I just got back from my language school. We have to speak French all day there. No English allowed!

B:What are you doing that for?

A:I’m trying to learn new skills. It makes me more qualified for a good job.

B:Good for you.

trying 网络解释


1. 试:首先,ambition是应该有的,但在英国,人们一般把20岁之前的阶段当作是学习(learning)阶段,累积一定的知识(knowledge)和技能(skill20-30岁,是一个不断尝试(trying)和犯错(making mistakes)的阶段,充实自己的阅历和修正方向;

2. 难捱的:try 试 | trying 难捱的 | tub 浴盆

3. 裁决:trying plane 平刨 | trying 裁决 | tryout 试用试验

trying 词典解释

1. 难对付的;令人厌烦的;令人恼火的
    If you describe something or someone as trying, you mean that they are difficult to deal with and make you feel impatient or annoyed.

    e.g. Support from those closest to you is vital in these trying times...
    e.g. The whole business has been very trying.

trying 单语例句

1. trying

1. Lenovo is trying to turn around its overseas business by improving efficiency and cutting costs by laying off some workers.

2. Gan said the company was not rushing to get a direct selling licence, but was trying to ensure the business adjustment was successful.

3. trying的意思

3. He said the visit was cut short after officials realized the man was trying to pursue " very personal " business with Fritzl.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. Obama has promised voters to rebuild US manufacturing industries and create more jobs and is trying to bring overseas business operations back to the US.

5. The government has been trying to slow the economy to prevent its boom from becoming a speculative bubble that turns to a bust.

6. They have been kept busy trying to salvage thousands of trees straining under the weight of the snow and removing broken branches.

7. trying的意思

7. It is the busy season for new graduates trying to find a job.

8. Joe is constantly trying to butt in and he doesn't know what the hell he is doing.

9. Obama is pushing elements of his American Jobs Act in the Congress, and trying to get payroll tax cut extended.

10. Miller is trying to raise money to buy out Yahoo, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday.

trying 英英释义


1. extremely irritating to the nerves

    e.g. nerve-racking noise
           the stressful days before a war
           a trying day at the office

    Synonym: nerve-racking nerve-wracking stressful

2. hard to endure

    e.g. fell upon trying times
