
stink [stɪŋk]  [stɪŋk] 








stink 基本解释

不及物动词散发出恶臭; 招人厌恶; 糟透


stink 相关例句



1. They stink of money.

2. Your plan stinks.

3. The butcher's shop stank in hot weather.

4. Anyway, you're too slow and your math stinks.


1. There was a big stink about his accepting a bribe.

stink 网络解释


1. 臭气:①在英语中,本能(instinct)后几个音节的发音和臭气(stink)相同,邝误听成后者. ①这是邝把明显(apparent)误听为父母亲(parent)了,故有此说.

2. 恶臭:stroll 闲逛 | stink 恶臭 | prestige 名声、名誉

3. (臭味):/stare (凝视) | /stink (臭味) | /strong (强壮)

4. 恶臭的:abide 忍受、遵守 | stink 恶臭的 | statue 雕像

stink 词典解释

1. 发出恶臭;散发难闻气味
    To stink means to smell extremely unpleasant.

    e.g. Get away from me —your breath stinks...
    e.g. The place stinks of fried onions...

They were locked up in a stinking cell.

2. 令人讨厌;让人反感;让人感觉糟糕
    If you say that something stinks, you mean that you disapprove of it because it involves ideas, feelings, or practices that you do not like.

    e.g. I think their methods stink...
    e.g. The whole thing stinks of political corruption.

3. (引人注意的)发怒,大吵大闹,泄愤
    If someone makes a stink about something they are angry about, they show their anger in order to make people take notice.

    e.g. The family's making a hell of a stink...
    e.g. The tabloid press kicked up a stink about his seven-day visit.
           小报的报道引起民众对他为期 7 天的访问的强烈不满。

stink 单语例句

1. I kept a low profile last week after a commercial endorsement I did for a hair restoration product caused a stink.

2. She said the ice will reduce the oxygen in the water, which may cause sea cucumber and seashells to stink.

3. stink在线翻译

3. Li said after the river thaws, the authority will spread deodorizer to remove the stink.

4. If the stench from your footwear regularly kicks up a stink with your other half, then this could be the solution to your relationship woes.

5. All would have been spayed or neutered and its stink gland removed.

6. This year the lake has suffered from blue green algae bloom, suffocating life in the lake and causing it to stink.

7. It is sure to cause a stink with her fans, but pregnant Nicole Kidman has been dumped as the face of perfume giant Chanel.

8. An old but true saying is that a skunk can't smell its own stink.

9. He could have made a bigger stink, had he been inclined to sling mud.

10. stink的意思

10. But the stink is not from the toilet, and she knows it.

stink 英英释义



1. stink在线翻译

1. a distinctive odor that is offensively unpleasant

    Synonym: malodor malodour stench reek fetor foetor mephitis


1. smell badly and offensively

    e.g. The building reeks of smoke

    Synonym: reek

2. stink的反义词

2. be extremely bad in quality or in one's performance

    e.g. This term paper stinks!
