
stinking [ˈstɪŋkɪŋ]  [ˈstɪŋkɪŋ] 







stinking 基本解释


动词散发出恶臭( stink的现在分词 ); 发臭味; 名声臭; 糟透

stinking 网络解释


1. 非常讨厌的:stinker 臭鬼 | stinking 非常讨厌的 | stinkpot 恶臭弹

2. 发恶臭的:tempo 速度,拍子,速率节奏 | stinking 发恶臭的 | back off 向后退

3. 发恶臭的/非常讨厌的/烂醉如泥的:stinkers /讨厌的工作/ | stinking /发恶臭的/非常讨厌的/烂醉如泥的/ | stinkpot /马桶/夜壶/令人讨厌的人/

4. 臭:器utensil | 臭stinking | 妙exquisite

stinking 词典解释

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 极其讨厌的;很糟糕的
    You use stinking to describe something that is unpleasant or bad.

    e.g. I had a stinking cold.

2. see also: stink

stinking 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Also on Saturday, work resumed to clean up the remaining decaying and stinking fish clogging King Harbor.

2. People could feel sick just by standing near the stinking pool of filth, let alone diving naked into it and staying there for more than an hour.

3. What others consider a stinking eyesore is for him a godsend because collecting recyclable waste from the giant pile is his only source of income.

4. stinking

4. Their fears stem from the fact that years of waste mismanagement, corruption and organized crime have left streets stinking with decomposing garbage.

5. " Garbage blankets the stinking water as raw sewage runs into the lake directly, " Zhou said.

6. The stinking river is a pain in the heart of every local resident.

7. My daughter comes in late stinking of cigarettes and alcohol when she goes out with friends from her international school.

8. stinking的解释

8. In early January, he discovered dead and stinking fish after breaking the icy surface of the lake.

9. stinking的意思

9. Two merchants get to know each other because they both sell stinking tofu, a traditional Chinese snack.

10. " The black oil floating on the river has disappeared and the water has stopped stinking, " said Liu.

stinking 英英释义


1. offensively malodorous

    e.g. a foul odor
           the kitchen smelled really funky

    Synonym: fetid foetid foul foul-smelling funky noisome smelly ill-scented

2. very bad

    e.g. a lousy play
           it's a stinking world

    Synonym: icky crappy lousy rotten shitty stinky
