
stalking [ˈstɔ:kɪŋ] [stɔ:kɪŋ] 







stalking 基本解释
stalking 网络解释


1. 潛近:stagnoplankton 靜水性浮游生物 | stalking 潛近 | stand 林分

2. 潜行追踪 潜行追踪:squatter 擅自居住,擅自占地 擅自居住,擅自占地 | stalking 潜行追踪 潜行追踪 | standard weights 砝码 砝码

3. 潜行追踪:squatter 擅自居住,擅自占地 | stalking 潜行追踪 | standard weights 砝码

4. 抽薹:蟲癭學 cecidology | 抽薹 bolting; go to seeds; seed-stalk development; seeding; stalking | 椆楠 Beilschmiedia roxburgiana Nees.

stalking 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. Banas said harassment and stalking laws both require proof that communication was made to frighten, disturb or harass someone.

2. stalking

2. The federal government and all 50 states have enacted laws making stalking a crime, but the laws and definitions of stalking vary widely.

3. A man who has allegedly been obsessively pursuing the actress was accused of two counts of felony stalking.

4. I'm not a wild lion stalking prey on the African plains, yet there are certain primal instincts that are innate in all living creatures.

5. Villagers have described him stalking from house to house in the middle of the night, opening fire on sleeping families and then burning some of the dead bodies.

6. Entire African villages were abandoned to stalking lions viewed as evil incarnate, their eventual slayers paraded as heroes and the animals'carcasses burned.

7. stalking

7. The document contends there is probable cause that Chaney violated federal charges of stalking and unauthorized access to a computer.


8. Eisenberg also was arrested at least twice earlier this year, once for allegedly driving under the influence and once on two counts of stalking.


9. Police have arrested a New York resident on suspicion of stalking pop star Hilary Duff.

10. stalking是什么意思

10. Yahoo and Microsoft also are stalking AOL, an alliance that would hurt Google because AOL is its biggest advertising partner.

stalking 英英释义


1. the act of following prey stealthily

    Synonym: stalk

2. stalking什么意思

2. a hunt for game carried on by following it stealthily or waiting in ambush

    Synonym: stalk still hunt
