
stalked [stɔ:kt]  [stɔ:kt] 







stalked 基本解释
stalked 网络解释

1. 迫切的杀机:Splendour in the Grass 天涯何处无芳草 | Stalked 迫切的杀机 | Star Trek 星空奇遇记

2. 有高茎的:Soviet 苏维埃 | stalked 有高茎的 | tattered 破烂的,褴褛的

3. 有茎的:sneezy打喷嚏的;引起喷嚏的 | stalked有茎的 | stoked热情洋溢的.爽透,感觉良好

4. 有茎的; 长于茎上的 (形):stalinism 斯大林主义 (名) | stalked 有茎的; 长于茎上的 (形) | stalker 网子的一种, 高视阔步者 (名)

stalked 单语例句

1. The Palestinian ambassador stalked out of the council chamber when the Israeli ambassador began to speak.

2. The warrant also said Chaney may have stalked a Connecticut woman online for the past 12 years.

3. When a customer complained about a broken refrigerator, he stalked through the factory and identified 76 defective appliances.

4. Women living in Afghanistan's safest region are retreating behind the veil amid fears they are being stalked.

5. The lawyer said his client had the gun because she had been stalked at the high school where she teaches.

6. Federal prosecutors also said a second woman has stepped forward and made similar accusations that Chaney stalked her online.

7. stalked

7. Serena bounced her racket onto the court and stalked angrily to the chair.

8. They stalked from a usual base of operations, 300 feet from their victims.

9. She was forced to address racism at college, where she was stalked by an acquaintance with a fascination with her Asian heritage.

stalked 英英释义


1. stalked的意思

1. having or growing on or from a peduncle or stalk

    e.g. a pedunculate flower
           a pedunculate barnacle is attached to the substrate by a fleshy foot or stalk

    Synonym: pedunculate
