split second

split second [split ˈsekənd]  [splɪt ˈsɛkənd] 

split second 基本解释

split second什么意思

名词瞬间; 刹那

split second 网络解释

split second什么意思

1. 爭分奪秒:<<争分夺秒>>(Split Second)是香港无线电视联合制作的时装警匪剧集,于2004年10月4日至11月12日期间首播,共30集. 此剧的剧情结构,乃是参考美国电视剧<<反恐24>>. 整个故事是发生于2

2. 瞬间发生的,霎那间发生的:multistation seamer 多头封口机 | split-second 瞬间发生的,霎那间发生的 | firework 焰火

3. 一刹那:split-hair 极其精确的;过分琐细的 | split second 一刹那 | split-level 错层式的

4. 瞬间:split personality 人格分裂 | split second 瞬间 | split straws 争吵

split second 词典解释

1. 一刹那;一瞬间
    A split second is an extremely short period of time.

    e.g. Her gaze met Michael's for a split second...
    e.g. Soldiers had to make split-second decisions before opening fire, he said.

split second 单语例句

1. But Arsenal started playing more narrowly in the second period and pressured the home midfield, resulting in possession being split more evenly.

2. The investment will be split into two phases, with the first phase to be wrapped up by 2010 and the second by 2012.

3. " At that split second I pressed the shutter, " Zhao said.

4. After the two sides split the second and third sets, the Belgians took control in the fourth as they destroyed China's reception with strong services.

5. The second round begins Tuesday, with the 24 teams split into six groups of four.

6. In a split second, a disaster can change everything for children.

7. Ronnie Wood has split from his second Russian girlfriend in five weeks.

8. split second的解释

8. Negative split - when an athlete swims the second half of a race faster than the first half.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. In a second test of 69 students, subjects were asked to split the money with somebody they knew.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. It's a real mind game at the top - you go from being completely petrified to absolute euphoria in a split second.

split second 英英释义


1. a very short time (as the time it takes the eye to blink or the heart to beat)

    e.g. if I had the chance I'd do it in a flash

    Synonym: blink of an eye flash heartbeat instant jiffy trice twinkling wink New York minute
